Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
from urllib.parse import urlsplit

import boto3
import botocore
import requests
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from import tzutc
from dateutil.utils import today

from eodag import EOProduct
from eodag.api.product import AssetsDict
from eodag.config import PluginConfig
from import PreparedSearch
from import StaticStacSearch
from eodag.utils import get_bucket_name_and_prefix
from eodag.utils.exceptions import RequestError, UnsupportedProductType, ValidationError

    from mypy_boto3_s3 import S3Client
    from mypy_boto3_s3.type_defs import ListObjectsOutputTypeDef

logger = logging.getLogger("")

def _get_date_from_yyyymmdd(date_str: str, item_key: str) -> Optional[datetime]:
    year = date_str[:4]
    month = date_str[4:6]
    if len(date_str) > 6:
        day = date_str[6:]
        day = "1"
        date = datetime(
    except ValueError:
        logger.error(f"{item_key}: {date_str} is not a valid date")
        return None
        return date

def _get_dates_from_dataset_data(
    dataset_item: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
    dates = {}
    if "start_datetime" in dataset_item["properties"]:
        dates["start"] = dataset_item["properties"]["start_datetime"]
        dates["end"] = dataset_item["properties"]["end_datetime"]
    elif "datetime" in dataset_item["properties"]:
        dates["start"] = dataset_item["properties"]["datetime"]
        dates["end"] = dataset_item["properties"]["datetime"]
        return None
    return dates

def _get_s3_client(endpoint_url: str) -> S3Client:
    s3_session = boto3.Session()
    return s3_session.client(
            # Configures to use subdomain/virtual calling format.
            s3={"addressing_style": "virtual"},

def _check_int_values_properties(properties: Dict[str, Any]):
    # remove int values with a bit length of more than 64 from the properties
    invalid = []
    for prop, prop_value in properties.items():
        if isinstance(prop_value, int) and prop_value.bit_length() > 64:
        if isinstance(prop_value, dict):

    for inv_key in invalid:

[docs] class CopMarineSearch(StaticStacSearch): """class that implements search for the Copernicus Marine provider It calls :meth:`` inherited from :class:`` but for the actual search a special method which fetches the urls of the available products from an S3 storage and filters them has been written. The configuration parameters are inherited from the parent and grand-parent classes. The :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.DiscoverMetadata.auto_discovery` parameter in the :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.discover_metadata` section has to be set to ``false`` and the :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.DiscoverQueryables.fetch_url` in the :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.discover_queryables` queryables section has to be set to ``null`` to overwrite the default config from the stac provider configuration because those functionalities are not available. """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig): original_metadata_mapping = copy.deepcopy(config.metadata_mapping) super().__init__(provider, config) # reset to original metadata mapping from config (changed in super class init) self.config.metadata_mapping = original_metadata_mapping
def _get_product_type_info( self, product_type: str ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Fetch product type and associated datasets info""" fetch_url = cast(str, self.config.discover_product_types["fetch_url"]).format( **self.config.__dict__ ) logger.debug("fetch data for collection %s", product_type) provider_product_type = self.config.products.get(product_type, {}).get( "productType", None ) if not provider_product_type: provider_product_type = product_type collection_url = ( fetch_url.replace("catalog.stac.json", provider_product_type) + "/product.stac.json" ) try: collection_data = requests.get(collection_url).json() except requests.RequestException as exc: if exc.errno == 404: logger.error("product %s not found", product_type) raise UnsupportedProductType(product_type) logger.error("data for product %s could not be fetched", product_type) raise RequestError.from_error( exc, f"data for product {product_type} could not be fetched" ) from exc datasets = [] for link in [li for li in collection_data["links"] if li["rel"] == "item"]: dataset_url = ( fetch_url.replace("catalog.stac.json", provider_product_type) + "/" + link["href"] ) try: dataset_item = requests.get(dataset_url).json() datasets.append(dataset_item) except requests.RequestException: logger.error("data for dataset %s could not be fetched", link["title"]) return collection_data, datasets def _get_product_by_id( self, collection_objects: ListObjectsOutputTypeDef, product_id: str, s3_url: str, product_type: str, dataset_item: Dict[str, Any], collection_dict: Dict[str, Any], ): for obj in collection_objects["Contents"]: if product_id in obj["Key"]: return self._create_product( product_type, obj["Key"], s3_url, dataset_item, collection_dict ) return None def _create_product( self, product_type: str, item_key: str, s3_url: str, dataset_item: Dict[str, Any], collection_dict: Dict[str, Any], use_dataset_dates: bool = False, ) -> Optional[EOProduct]: item_id = os.path.splitext(item_key.split("/")[-1])[0] download_url = s3_url + "/" + item_key properties = { "id": item_id, "title": item_id, "geometry": self.config.metadata_mapping["defaultGeometry"], "downloadLink": download_url, "dataset": dataset_item["id"], } if use_dataset_dates: dates = _get_dates_from_dataset_data(dataset_item) if not dates: return None properties["startTimeFromAscendingNode"] = dates["start"] properties["completionTimeFromAscendingNode"] = dates["end"] else: item_dates = re.findall(r"(\d{4})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-3]\d)", item_id) if not item_dates: item_dates = re.findall(r"_(\d{4})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])", item_id) item_dates = ["".join(row) for row in item_dates] item_start = _get_date_from_yyyymmdd(item_dates[0], item_key) if not item_start: # identified pattern was not a valid datetime return None if len(item_dates) > 2: # start, end and created_at timestamps item_end = _get_date_from_yyyymmdd(item_dates[1], item_key) else: # only date and created_at timestamps item_end = item_start properties["startTimeFromAscendingNode"] = item_start.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ) properties["completionTimeFromAscendingNode"] = ( item_end or item_start ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") for key, value in collection_dict["properties"].items(): if key not in ["id", "title", "start_datetime", "end_datetime", "datetime"]: properties[key] = value for key, value in dataset_item["properties"].items(): if key not in ["id", "title", "start_datetime", "end_datetime", "datetime"]: properties[key] = value code_mapping = self.config.products.get(product_type, {}).get( "code_mapping", None ) if code_mapping: id_parts = item_id.split("_") if len(id_parts) > code_mapping["index"]: code = id_parts[code_mapping["index"]] if "pattern" not in code_mapping: properties[code_mapping["param"]] = code elif re.findall(code_mapping["pattern"], code): properties[code_mapping["param"]] = re.findall( code_mapping["pattern"], code )[0] _check_int_values_properties(properties) properties["thumbnail"] = collection_dict["assets"]["thumbnail"]["href"] if "omiFigure" in collection_dict["assets"]: properties["quicklook"] = collection_dict["assets"]["omiFigure"]["href"] assets = { "native": { "title": "native", "href": download_url, "type": "application/x-netcdf", } } product = EOProduct(self.provider, properties, productType=product_type) product.assets = AssetsDict(product, assets) return product def query( self, prep: PreparedSearch = PreparedSearch(), **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[EOProduct], Optional[int]]: """ Implementation of search for the Copernicus Marine provider :param prep: object containing search parameterds :param kwargs: additional search arguments :returns: list of products and total number of products """ page = items_per_page = prep.items_per_page # only return 1 page if pagination is disabled if page is None or items_per_page is None or page > 1 and items_per_page <= 0: return ([], 0) if prep.count else ([], None) product_type = kwargs.get("productType", prep.product_type) if not product_type: raise ValidationError( "parameter product type is required for search with cop_marine provider" ) collection_dict, datasets_items_list = self._get_product_type_info(product_type) products: List[EOProduct] = [] start_index = items_per_page * (page - 1) + 1 num_total = 0 for i, dataset_item in enumerate(datasets_items_list): try: logger.debug("searching data for dataset %s", dataset_item["id"]) # date bounds if "startTimeFromAscendingNode" in kwargs: start_date = isoparse(kwargs["startTimeFromAscendingNode"]) elif "start_datetime" in dataset_item["properties"]: start_date = isoparse(dataset_item["properties"]["start_datetime"]) else: start_date = isoparse(dataset_item["properties"]["datetime"]) if not start_date.tzinfo: start_date = start_date.replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) if "completionTimeFromAscendingNode" in kwargs: end_date = isoparse(kwargs["completionTimeFromAscendingNode"]) elif "end_datetime" in dataset_item["properties"]: end_date = isoparse(dataset_item["properties"]["end_datetime"]) else: end_date = today(tzinfo=tzutc()) if not end_date.tzinfo: end_date = end_date.replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) # retrieve information about s3 from collection data s3_url = dataset_item["assets"]["native"]["href"] except KeyError as e: logger.warning( f"Unable to extract info from {product_type} item #{i}: {str(e)}" ) continue url_parts = urlsplit(s3_url) endpoint_url = url_parts.scheme + "://" + url_parts.hostname bucket, collection_path = get_bucket_name_and_prefix(s3_url, 0) if bucket is None or collection_path is None: logger.warning( f"Unable to get bucket and prefix from {s3_url}, got {(bucket, collection_path)}" ) continue if ".nc" in collection_path: num_total += 1 if num_total < start_index: continue if len(products) < items_per_page or items_per_page < 0: product = self._create_product( product_type, collection_path, endpoint_url + "/" + bucket, dataset_item, collection_dict, True, ) if product: products.append(product) continue s3_client = _get_s3_client(endpoint_url) stop_search = False current_object = None while not stop_search: # list_objects returns max 1000 objects -> use marker to get next objects if current_object: s3_objects = s3_client.list_objects( Bucket=bucket, Prefix=collection_path, Marker=current_object ) else: s3_objects = s3_client.list_objects( Bucket=bucket, Prefix=collection_path ) if "Contents" not in s3_objects: if len(products) == 0 and i == len(datasets_items_list) - 1: return ([], 0) if prep.count else ([], None) else: break if "id" in kwargs: product = self._get_product_by_id( s3_objects, kwargs["id"], endpoint_url + "/" + bucket, product_type, dataset_item, collection_dict, ) if product: return [product], 1 current_object = s3_objects["Contents"][-1]["Key"] continue for obj in s3_objects["Contents"]: item_key = obj["Key"] item_id = os.path.splitext(item_key.split("/")[-1])[0] # filter according to date(s) in item id item_dates = re.findall(r"(\d{4})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-3]\d)", item_id) if not item_dates: item_dates = re.findall(r"_(\d{4})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])", item_id) item_dates = [ "".join(row) for row in item_dates ] # join tuples returned by findall item_start = None item_end = None use_dataset_dates = False if item_dates: item_start = _get_date_from_yyyymmdd(item_dates[0], item_key) if len(item_dates) > 2: # start, end and created_at timestamps item_end = _get_date_from_yyyymmdd(item_dates[1], item_key) if not item_start: # no valid datetime given in id use_dataset_dates = True dates = _get_dates_from_dataset_data(dataset_item) if dates: item_start_str = dates["start"].replace("Z", "+0000") item_end_str = dates["end"].replace("Z", "+0000") try: item_start = datetime.strptime( item_start_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ) item_end = datetime.strptime( item_end_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ) except ValueError: item_start = datetime.strptime( item_start_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" ) item_end = datetime.strptime( item_end_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" ) if not item_start: # no valid datetime in id and dataset data continue if item_start > end_date: stop_search = True if ( (start_date <= item_start <= end_date) or (item_end and start_date <= item_end <= end_date) or ( item_end and item_start < start_date and item_end > end_date ) ): num_total += 1 if num_total < start_index: continue if len(products) < items_per_page or items_per_page < 0: product = self._create_product( product_type, item_key, endpoint_url + "/" + bucket, dataset_item, collection_dict, use_dataset_dates, ) if product: products.append(product) current_object = item_key return products, num_total