Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus

import geojson
import orjson
from jsonpath_ng import Fields

from eodag.api.product import EOProduct
from eodag.api.product.metadata_mapping import properties_from_json
from import PostJsonSearch
from eodag.utils import dict_items_recursive_sort

logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs]class BuildPostSearchResult(PostJsonSearch): """BuildPostSearchResult search plugin. This plugin, which inherits from :class:``, performs a POST request and uses its result to build a single :class:`~eodag.api.search_result.SearchResult` object. The available configuration parameters inherits from parent classes, with particularly for this plugin: - **api_endpoint**: (mandatory) The endpoint of the provider's search interface - **pagination**: The configuration of how the pagination is done on the provider. It is a tree with the following nodes: - *next_page_query_obj*: (optional) The additional parameters needed to perform search. These paramaters won't be included in result. This must be a json dict formatted like `{{"foo":"bar"}}` because it will be passed to a `.format()` method before being loaded as json. :param provider: An eodag providers configuration dictionary :type provider: dict :param config: Path to the user configuration file :type config: str """ def count_hits( self, count_url: Optional[str] = None, result_type: Optional[str] = None ) -> int: """Count method that will always return 1.""" return 1 def collect_search_urls( self, page: Optional[int] = None, items_per_page: Optional[int] = None, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[str], int]: """Wraps PostJsonSearch.collect_search_urls to force product count to 1""" urls, _ = super(BuildPostSearchResult, self).collect_search_urls( page=page, items_per_page=items_per_page, count=count, **kwargs ) return urls, 1 def do_search(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Perform the actual search request, and return result in a single element.""" search_url = self.search_urls[0] response = self._request( search_url, info_message=f"Sending search request: {search_url}", exception_message=f"Skipping error while searching for {self.provider} " f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance:", ) return [response.json()] def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Build :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` from provider result :param results: Raw provider result as single dict in list :type results: list :param kwargs: Search arguments :type kwargs: Union[int, str, bool, dict, list] :returns: list of single :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :rtype: list """ product_type = kwargs.get("productType") result = results[0] # datacube query string got from previous search _dc_qs = kwargs.pop("_dc_qs", None) if _dc_qs is not None: qs = unquote_plus(unquote_plus(_dc_qs)) unpaginated_query_params = sorted_unpaginated_query_params = geojson.loads( qs ) else: # update result with query parameters without pagination (or search-only params) if isinstance( self.config.pagination["next_page_query_obj"], str ) and hasattr(self, "query_params_unpaginated"): unpaginated_query_params = self.query_params_unpaginated elif isinstance(self.config.pagination["next_page_query_obj"], str): next_page_query_obj = orjson.loads( self.config.pagination["next_page_query_obj"].format() ) unpaginated_query_params = { k: v[0] if (isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1) else v for k, v in self.query_params.items() if (k, v) not in next_page_query_obj.items() } else: unpaginated_query_params = self.query_params # query hash, will be used to build a product id sorted_unpaginated_query_params = dict_items_recursive_sort( unpaginated_query_params ) qs = geojson.dumps(sorted_unpaginated_query_params) query_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(qs).encode("UTF-8")).hexdigest() result = dict(result, **unpaginated_query_params) # update result with search args if not None (and not auth) kwargs.pop("auth", None) result = dict(result, **{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}) # parse porperties parsed_properties = properties_from_json( result, self.config.metadata_mapping, discovery_config=getattr(self.config, "discover_metadata", {}), ) if not product_type: product_type = parsed_properties.get("productType", None) # build product id id_prefix = (product_type or self.provider).upper() product_id = "%s_%s_%s" % ( id_prefix, parsed_properties["startTimeFromAscendingNode"] .split("T")[0] .replace("-", ""), query_hash, ) parsed_properties["id"] = parsed_properties["title"] = product_id # update downloadLink parsed_properties["downloadLink"] += f"?{qs}" parsed_properties["_dc_qs"] = quote_plus(qs) # parse metadata needing downloadLink for param, mapping in self.config.metadata_mapping.items(): if Fields("downloadLink") in mapping: parsed_properties.update( properties_from_json(parsed_properties, {param: mapping}) ) # use product_type_config as default properties parsed_properties = dict( getattr(self.config, "product_type_config", {}), **parsed_properties, ) product = EOProduct( provider=self.provider, productType=product_type, properties=parsed_properties, ) return [ product, ]