Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import boto3
import requests
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, ProfileNotFound
from botocore.handlers import disable_signing
from lxml import etree
from stream_zip import ZIP_AUTO, stream_zip

from eodag.api.product.metadata_mapping import (
from import Download
from eodag.utils import (
from eodag.utils.exceptions import (

    from boto3.resources.collection import ResourceCollection

    from eodag.api.product import EOProduct
    from eodag.api.search_result import SearchResult
    from eodag.config import PluginConfig
    from eodag.utils import DownloadedCallback

logger = logging.getLogger("")

# AWS chunk path identify patterns

# S2 L2A Tile files -----------------------------------------------------------
S2L2A_TILE_IMG_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/R(?P<res>[0-9]+m)/(?P<file>[A-Z0-9_]+)\.jp2$"
S2L2A_TILE_AUX_DIR_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/auxiliary/(?P<file>AUX_.+)$"
# S2 L2A QI Masks
S2_TILE_QI_MSK_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/qi/(?P<file_base>.+)_(?P<file_suffix>[0-9]+m\.jp2)$"
S2_TILE_QI_PVI_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/qi/L2A_PVI\.jp2$"
# S2 Tile files ---------------------------------------------------------------
S2_TILE_IMG_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/(?P<file>[A-Z0-9_]+\.jp2)$"
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/preview/(?P<file>.+)$"
S2_TILE_AUX_DIR_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/auxiliary/(?P<file>.+)$"
S2_TILE_QI_DIR_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/qi/(?P<file>.+)$"
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/(?P<file>preview\.\w+)$"
S2_TILE_MTD_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/(?P<file>metadata\.xml)$"
# S2 Tile generic
S2_TILE_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<day>[0-9]+)/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/(?P<file>.+)$"
# S2 Product files
S2_PROD_REGEX = re.compile(
S2_PROD_DS_MTD_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<num>.+)/(?P<file>metadata\.xml)$"
S2_PROD_DS_QI_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<num>.+)/qi/(?P<file>.+)$"
S2_PROD_DS_QI_REPORT_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<num>.+)/qi/(?P<filename>.+)_report\.xml$"
S2_PROD_INSPIRE_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<file>inspire\.xml)$"
# S2 Product generic
S2_PROD_MTD_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<file>metadata\.xml)$"
# S1 files --------------------------------------------------------------------
S1_CALIB_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<title>[A-Z0-9_]+)/annotation/calibration/"
    + r"(?P<file_prefix>[a-z]+)-(?P<file_beam>[a-z]+)-(?P<file_pol>.+)\.xml$"
S1_ANNOT_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<title>[A-Z0-9_]+)/annotation/"
    + r"(?P<file_beam>[a-z]+)-(?P<file_pol>.+)\.xml$"
S1_MEAS_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<title>[A-Z0-9_]+)/measurement/"
    + r"(?P<file_beam>[a-z]+)-(?P<file_pol>.+)\.(?P<file_ext>[a-z0-9]+)$"
S1_REPORT_REGEX = re.compile(
    + r"(?P<title>[A-Z0-9_]+)/(?P<file>report-\w+\.pdf)$"
# S1 generic
S1_REGEX = re.compile(
# CBERS4 generic
CBERS4_REGEX = re.compile(

# S1 image number conf per polarization ---------------------------------------
    "SH": {"HH": 1},
    "SV": {"VV": 1},
    "DH": {"HH": 1, "HV": 2},
    "DV": {"VV": 1, "VH": 2},
    "HH": {"HH": 1},
    "HV": {"HV": 1},
    "VV": {"VV": 1},
    "VH": {"VH": 1},


[docs]class AwsDownload(Download): """Download on AWS using S3 protocol. :param provider: provider name :type provider: str :param config: Download plugin configuration: * ``config.base_uri`` (str) - s3 endpoint url * ``config.requester_pays`` (bool) - (optional) whether download is done from a requester-pays bucket or not * ``config.flatten_top_dirs`` (bool) - (optional) flatten directory structure * ``config.products`` (dict) - (optional) product_type specific configuration * ``config.ignore_assets`` (bool) - (optional) ignore assets and download using downloadLink :type config: :class:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig` """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(AwsDownload, self).__init__(provider, config) self.requester_pays = getattr(self.config, "requester_pays", False) self.s3_session = None
def download( self, product: EOProduct, auth: Optional[PluginConfig] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Union[str, bool, Dict[str, Any]], ) -> str: """Download method for AWS S3 API. The product can be downloaded as it is, or as SAFE-formatted product. SAFE-build is configured for a given provider and product type. If the product title is configured to be updated during download and SAFE-formatted, its destination path will be: `{outputs_prefix}/{title}/{updated_title}.SAFE` :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param auth: (optional) The configuration of a plugin of type Authentication :type auth: Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]] :param progress_callback: (optional) A method or a callable object which takes a current size and a maximum size as inputs and handle progress bar creation and update to give the user a feedback on the download progress :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` or None :param kwargs: `outputs_prefix` (str), `extract` (bool), `delete_archive` (bool) and `dl_url_params` (dict) can be provided as additional kwargs and will override any other values defined in a configuration file or with environment variables. :type kwargs: Union[str, bool, dict] :returns: The absolute path to the downloaded product in the local filesystem :rtype: str """ if progress_callback is None: "Progress bar unavailable, please call instead of" ) progress_callback = ProgressCallback(disable=True) # prepare download & create dirs (before updating metadata) product_local_path, record_filename = self._download_preparation( product, progress_callback=progress_callback, **kwargs ) if not record_filename: return product_local_path product_conf = getattr(self.config, "products", {}).get( product.product_type, {} ) # do not try to build SAFE if asset filter is used asset_filter = kwargs.get("asset", None) if asset_filter: build_safe = False else: build_safe = product_conf.get("build_safe", False) ignore_assets = getattr(self.config, "ignore_assets", False) # product conf overrides provider conf for "flatten_top_dirs" flatten_top_dirs = product_conf.get( "flatten_top_dirs", getattr(self.config, "flatten_top_dirs", False) ) # xtra metadata needed for SAFE product self._configure_safe_build(build_safe, product) # bucket names and prefixes bucket_names_and_prefixes = self._get_bucket_names_and_prefixes( product, asset_filter, ignore_assets ) # add complementary urls try: for complementary_url_key in product_conf.get("complementary_url_key", []): bucket_names_and_prefixes.append( self.get_product_bucket_name_and_prefix( product,[complementary_url_key] ) ) except KeyError: logger.warning( "complementary_url_key %s is missing in %s properties" % (complementary_url_key,["id"]) ) # authenticate authenticated_objects, s3_objects = self._do_authentication( bucket_names_and_prefixes, auth ) # downloadable files unique_product_chunks = self._get_unique_products( bucket_names_and_prefixes, authenticated_objects, asset_filter, ignore_assets, product, ) total_size = sum([p.size for p in unique_product_chunks]) # download progress_callback.reset(total=total_size) try: for product_chunk in unique_product_chunks: try: chunk_rel_path = self.get_chunk_dest_path( product, product_chunk, build_safe=build_safe, ) except NotAvailableError as e: # out of SAFE format chunk logger.warning(e) continue chunk_abs_path = os.path.join(product_local_path, chunk_rel_path) chunk_abs_path_dir = os.path.dirname(chunk_abs_path) if not os.path.isdir(chunk_abs_path_dir): os.makedirs(chunk_abs_path_dir) if not os.path.isfile(chunk_abs_path): product_chunk.Bucket().download_file( product_chunk.key, chunk_abs_path, ExtraArgs=getattr(s3_objects, "_params", {}), Callback=progress_callback, ) except AuthenticationError as e: logger.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % e) except ClientError as e: self._raise_if_auth_error(e) logger.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % e) # finalize safe product if build_safe and "S2_MSI" in product.product_type: self.finalize_s2_safe_product(product_local_path) # flatten directory structure elif flatten_top_dirs: flatten_top_directories(product_local_path) if build_safe: self.check_manifest_file_list(product_local_path) if asset_filter is None: # save hash/record file with open(record_filename, "w") as fh: fh.write(product.remote_location) logger.debug("Download recorded in %s", record_filename) product.location = path_to_uri(product_local_path) return product_local_path def _download_preparation( self, product: EOProduct, progress_callback: ProgressCallback, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """ preparation for the download: - check if file was already downloaded - get file path - create directories :param product: product to be downloaded :type product: EOProduct :param progress_callback: progress callback to be used :type progress_callback: ProgressCallback :param kwargs: additional arguments :type kwargs: Any :return: local path and file name :rtype: Tuple[str, Optional[str]] """ product_local_path, record_filename = self._prepare_download( product, progress_callback=progress_callback, **kwargs ) if not product_local_path or not record_filename: if product_local_path: product.location = path_to_uri(product_local_path) return product_local_path, None product_local_path = product_local_path.replace(".zip", "") # remove existing incomplete file if os.path.isfile(product_local_path): os.remove(product_local_path) # create product dest dir if not os.path.isdir(product_local_path): os.makedirs(product_local_path) return product_local_path, record_filename def _configure_safe_build(self, build_safe: bool, product: EOProduct): """ updates the product properties with fetch metadata if safe build is enabled :param build_safe: if safe build is enabled :type build_safe: bool :param product: product to be updated :type product: EOProduct """ product_conf = getattr(self.config, "products", {}).get( product.product_type, {} ) if build_safe and "fetch_metadata" in product_conf.keys(): fetch_format = product_conf["fetch_metadata"]["fetch_format"] update_metadata = product_conf["fetch_metadata"]["update_metadata"] fetch_url = product_conf["fetch_metadata"]["fetch_url"].format( ** )"Fetching extra metadata from %s" % fetch_url) try: resp = requests.get( fetch_url, headers=USER_AGENT, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc update_metadata = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath(update_metadata) if fetch_format == "json": json_resp = resp.json() update_metadata = properties_from_json(json_resp, update_metadata) elif fetch_format == "xml": update_metadata = properties_from_xml(resp.content, update_metadata) else: logger.warning( "SAFE metadata fetch format %s not implemented" % fetch_format ) def _get_bucket_names_and_prefixes( self, product: EOProduct, asset_filter: str, ignore_assets: bool ) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]: """ retrieves the bucket names and path prefixes for the assets :param product: product for which the assets shall be downloaded :type product: EOProduct :param asset_filter: text for which the assets should be filtered :type asset_filter: str :param ignore_assets: if product instead of individual assets should be used :type ignore_assets: bool :return: tuples of bucket names and prefixes :rtype: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] """ # if assets are defined, use them instead of scanning product.location if len(product.assets) > 0 and not ignore_assets: if asset_filter: filter_regex = re.compile(asset_filter) assets_keys = getattr(product, "assets", {}).keys() assets_keys = list(filter(filter_regex.fullmatch, assets_keys)) filtered_assets = { a_key: getattr(product, "assets", {})[a_key] for a_key in assets_keys } assets_values = [a for a in filtered_assets.values() if "href" in a] if not assets_values: raise NotAvailableError( rf"No asset key matching re.fullmatch(r'{asset_filter}') was found in {product}" ) else: assets_values = getattr(product, "assets", {}).values() bucket_names_and_prefixes = [] for complementary_url in assets_values: bucket_names_and_prefixes.append( self.get_product_bucket_name_and_prefix( product, complementary_url.get("href", "") ) ) else: bucket_names_and_prefixes = [ self.get_product_bucket_name_and_prefix(product) ] return bucket_names_and_prefixes def _do_authentication( self, bucket_names_and_prefixes: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]], auth: Dict[str, str], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ResourceCollection[Any]]: """ authenticates with s3 and retrieves the available objects raises an error when authentication is not possible :param bucket_names_and_prefixes: list of bucket names and corresponding path prefixes :type bucket_names_and_prefixes: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] :param auth: authentication information :type auth: Dict[str, str] :return: authenticated objects per bucket, list of available objects :rtype: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], ResourceCollection[Any]] """ authenticated_objects: Dict[str, Any] = {} auth_error_messages: Set[str] = set() for _, pack in enumerate(bucket_names_and_prefixes): try: bucket_name, prefix = pack if bucket_name not in authenticated_objects: # get Prefixes longest common base path common_prefix = "" prefix_split = prefix.split("/") prefixes_in_bucket = len( [p for b, p in bucket_names_and_prefixes if b == bucket_name] ) for i in range(1, len(prefix_split)): common_prefix = "/".join(prefix_split[0:i]) if ( len( [ p for b, p in bucket_names_and_prefixes if b == bucket_name and common_prefix in p ] ) < prefixes_in_bucket ): common_prefix = "/".join(prefix_split[0 : i - 1]) break # connect to aws s3 and get bucket auhenticated objects s3_objects = self.get_authenticated_objects( bucket_name, common_prefix, auth ) authenticated_objects[bucket_name] = s3_objects else: s3_objects = authenticated_objects[bucket_name] except AuthenticationError as e: logger.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % e) logger.warning("Skipping %s/%s" % (bucket_name, prefix)) auth_error_messages.add(str(e)) except ClientError as e: self._raise_if_auth_error(e) logger.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % e) logger.warning("Skipping %s/%s" % (bucket_name, prefix)) auth_error_messages.add(str(e)) # could not auth on any bucket if not authenticated_objects: raise AuthenticationError(", ".join(auth_error_messages)) return authenticated_objects, s3_objects def _get_unique_products( self, bucket_names_and_prefixes: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]], authenticated_objects: Dict[str, Any], asset_filter: str, ignore_assets: bool, product: EOProduct, ) -> Set[Any]: """ retrieve unique product chunks based on authenticated objects and asset filters :param bucket_names_and_prefixes: list of bucket names and corresponding path prefixes :type bucket_names_and_prefixes: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] :param authenticated_objects: available objects per bucket :type authenticated_objects: Dict[str, Any] :param asset_filter: text for which assets should be filtered :type asset_filter: str :param ignore_assets: if product instead of individual assets should be used :type ignore_assets: bool :param product: product that shall be downloaded :type product: EOProduct :return: set of product chunks that can be downloaded :rtype: Set[Any] """ product_chunks: List[Any] = [] for bucket_name, prefix in bucket_names_and_prefixes: # unauthenticated items filtered out if bucket_name in authenticated_objects.keys(): product_chunks.extend( authenticated_objects[bucket_name].filter(Prefix=prefix) ) unique_product_chunks = set(product_chunks) # if asset_filter is used with ignore_assets, apply filtering on listed prefixes if asset_filter and ignore_assets: filter_regex = re.compile(asset_filter) unique_product_chunks = set( filter( lambda c:, unique_product_chunks, ) ) if not unique_product_chunks: raise NotAvailableError( rf"No file basename matching re.fullmatch(r'{asset_filter}') was found in {product.remote_location}" ) return unique_product_chunks def _raise_if_auth_error(self, exception: ClientError) -> None: """Raises an error if given exception is an authentication error""" err = exception.response["Error"] if err["Code"] in AWS_AUTH_ERROR_MESSAGES and "key" in err["Message"].lower(): raise AuthenticationError( "HTTP error {} returned\n{}: {}\nPlease check your credentials for {}".format( exception.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"], err["Code"], err["Message"], self.provider, ) ) def _stream_download_dict( self, product: EOProduct, auth: Optional[PluginConfig] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Union[str, bool, Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Returns dictionnary of :class:`~fastapi.responses.StreamingResponse` keyword-arguments. It contains a generator to streamed download chunks and the response headers. :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param auth: (optional) The configuration of a plugin of type Authentication :type auth: :class:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig` :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` :param wait: (optional) If download fails, wait time in minutes between two download tries :type wait: int :param timeout: (optional) If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download :type timeout: int :param kwargs: `outputs_prefix` (str), `extract` (bool), `delete_archive` (bool) and `dl_url_params` (dict) can be provided as additional kwargs and will override any other values defined in a configuration file or with environment variables. :type kwargs: Union[str, bool, dict] :returns: Dictionnary of :class:`~fastapi.responses.StreamingResponse` keyword-arguments :rtype: dict """ if progress_callback is None: "Progress bar unavailable, please call instead of" ) progress_callback = ProgressCallback(disable=True) product_conf = getattr(self.config, "products", {}).get( product.product_type, {} ) # do not try to build SAFE if asset filter is used asset_filter = kwargs.get("asset", None) if asset_filter: build_safe = False else: build_safe = product_conf.get("build_safe", False) ignore_assets = getattr(self.config, "ignore_assets", False) # xtra metadata needed for SAFE product self._configure_safe_build(build_safe, product) # bucket names and prefixes bucket_names_and_prefixes = self._get_bucket_names_and_prefixes( product, asset_filter, ignore_assets ) # add complementary urls try: for complementary_url_key in product_conf.get("complementary_url_key", []): bucket_names_and_prefixes.append( self.get_product_bucket_name_and_prefix( product,[complementary_url_key] ) ) except KeyError: logger.warning( "complementary_url_key %s is missing in %s properties" % (complementary_url_key,["id"]) ) # authenticate authenticated_objects, s3_objects = self._do_authentication( bucket_names_and_prefixes, auth ) # downloadable files unique_product_chunks = self._get_unique_products( bucket_names_and_prefixes, authenticated_objects, asset_filter, ignore_assets, product, ) assets_values = product.assets.get_values(asset_filter) chunks_tuples = self._stream_download( unique_product_chunks, product, build_safe, progress_callback, assets_values ) outputs_filename = ( sanitize(["title"]) if "title" in else sanitize("id", "download")) ) if len(assets_values) == 1: first_chunks_tuple = next(chunks_tuples) # update headers filename = os.path.basename(list(unique_product_chunks)[0].key) headers = {"content-disposition": f"attachment; filename={filename}"} if assets_values[0].get("type", None): headers["content-type"] = assets_values[0]["type"] return dict( content=chain(iter([first_chunks_tuple]), chunks_tuples), headers=headers, ) return dict( content=stream_zip(chunks_tuples), media_type="application/zip", headers={ "content-disposition": f"attachment; filename={outputs_filename}.zip", }, ) def _stream_download( self, unique_product_chunks: Set[Any], product: EOProduct, build_safe: bool, progress_callback: ProgressCallback, assets_values: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, datetime, int, Any, Iterator[Any]]]: """Yield product data chunks""" chunk_size = 4096 * 1024 modified_at = perms = 0o600 def get_chunk_parts( product_chunk: Any, progress_callback: ProgressCallback ) -> Any: try: chunk_start = 0 chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size - 1 while chunk_start <= product_chunk.size: get_kwargs = ( dict(RequestPayer="requester") if self.requester_pays else {} ) chunk_part = product_chunk.get( Range=f"bytes={chunk_start}-{chunk_end}", **get_kwargs )["Body"].read() progress_callback(len(chunk_part)) chunk_start += chunk_size chunk_end += chunk_size yield chunk_part except ClientError as e: self._raise_if_auth_error(e) raise DownloadError("Unexpected error: %s" % e) from e product_conf = getattr(self.config, "products", {}).get( product.product_type, {} ) flatten_top_dirs = product_conf.get( "flatten_top_dirs", getattr(self.config, "flatten_top_dirs", False) ) common_path = "" if flatten_top_dirs: common_path = self._get_commonpath( product, unique_product_chunks, build_safe ) for product_chunk in unique_product_chunks: try: chunk_rel_path = self.get_chunk_dest_path( product, product_chunk, build_safe=build_safe, ) if flatten_top_dirs: chunk_rel_path = os.path.join(["title"], re.sub(rf"^{common_path}/?", "", chunk_rel_path), ) except NotAvailableError as e: # out of SAFE format chunk logger.warning(e) continue if len(assets_values) == 1: yield from get_chunk_parts(product_chunk, progress_callback) else: yield ( chunk_rel_path, modified_at, perms, ZIP_AUTO(product_chunk.size), get_chunk_parts(product_chunk, progress_callback), ) def _get_commonpath( self, product: EOProduct, product_chunks: Set[Any], build_safe: bool ) -> str: chunk_paths = [] for product_chunk in product_chunks: chunk_paths.append( self.get_chunk_dest_path(product, product_chunk, build_safe=build_safe) ) return os.path.commonpath(chunk_paths) def get_rio_env( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get rasterio environment variables needed for data access authentication. :param bucket_name: Bucket containg objects :type bucket_name: str :param prefix: Prefix used to try auth :type prefix: str :param auth_dict: Dictionnary containing authentication keys :type auth_dict: dict :returns: The rasterio environement variables :rtype: dict """ if self.s3_session is not None: if self.requester_pays: return {"session": self.s3_session, "requester_pays": True} else: return {"session": self.s3_session} _ = self.get_authenticated_objects(bucket_name, prefix, auth_dict) if self.s3_session is not None: if self.requester_pays: return {"session": self.s3_session, "requester_pays": True} else: return {"session": self.s3_session} else: return {"aws_unsigned": True} def get_authenticated_objects( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> ResourceCollection: """Get boto3 authenticated objects for the given bucket using the most adapted auth strategy. Also expose ``s3_session`` as class variable if available. :param bucket_name: Bucket containg objects :type bucket_name: str :param prefix: Prefix used to filter objects on auth try (not used to filter returned objects) :type prefix: str :param auth_dict: Dictionnary containing authentication keys :type auth_dict: dict :returns: The boto3 authenticated objects :rtype: :class:`~boto3.resources.collection.s3.Bucket.objectsCollection` """ auth_methods: List[ Callable[[str, str, Dict[str, str]], Optional[ResourceCollection]] ] = [ self._get_authenticated_objects_unsigned, self._get_authenticated_objects_from_auth_profile, self._get_authenticated_objects_from_auth_keys, self._get_authenticated_objects_from_env, ] # skip _get_authenticated_objects_from_env if credentials were filled in eodag conf if auth_dict: del auth_methods[-1] for try_auth_method in auth_methods: try: s3_objects = try_auth_method(bucket_name, prefix, auth_dict) if s3_objects: logger.debug("Auth using %s succeeded", try_auth_method.__name__) return s3_objects except ClientError as e: if ( e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code", {}) in AWS_AUTH_ERROR_MESSAGES ): pass else: raise e except ProfileNotFound: pass logger.debug("Auth using %s failed", try_auth_method.__name__) raise AuthenticationError( "Unable do authenticate on s3://%s using any available credendials configuration" % bucket_name ) def _get_authenticated_objects_unsigned( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Optional[ResourceCollection]: """Auth strategy using no-sign-request""" s3_resource = boto3.resource( # type: ignore service_name="s3", endpoint_url=getattr(self.config, "base_uri", None) ) # type: ignore "choose-signer.s3.*", disable_signing ) objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects # type: ignore list(objects.filter(Prefix=prefix).limit(1)) # type: ignore return objects # type: ignore def _get_authenticated_objects_from_auth_profile( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Optional[ResourceCollection]: """Auth strategy using RequestPayer=requester and ``aws_profile`` from provided credentials""" if "profile_name" in auth_dict.keys(): s3_session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=auth_dict["profile_name"]) # type: ignore s3_resource = s3_session.resource( # type: ignore service_name="s3", endpoint_url=getattr(self.config, "base_uri", None), ) if self.requester_pays: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects.filter( # type: ignore RequestPayer="requester" ) else: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects # type: ignore list(objects.filter(Prefix=prefix).limit(1)) # type: ignore self.s3_session = s3_session # type: ignore return objects # type: ignore else: return None def _get_authenticated_objects_from_auth_keys( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Optional[ResourceCollection]: """Auth strategy using RequestPayer=requester and ``aws_access_key_id``/``aws_secret_access_key`` from provided credentials""" if all(k in auth_dict for k in ("aws_access_key_id", "aws_secret_access_key")): s3_session = boto3.session.Session( # type: ignore aws_access_key_id=auth_dict["aws_access_key_id"], aws_secret_access_key=auth_dict["aws_secret_access_key"], ) s3_resource = s3_session.resource( # type: ignore service_name="s3", endpoint_url=getattr(self.config, "base_uri", None), ) if self.requester_pays: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects.filter( # type: ignore RequestPayer="requester" ) else: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects # type: ignore list(objects.filter(Prefix=prefix).limit(1)) # type: ignore self.s3_session = s3_session # type: ignore return objects # type: ignore else: return None def _get_authenticated_objects_from_env( self, bucket_name: str, prefix: str, auth_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Optional[ResourceCollection]: """Auth strategy using RequestPayer=requester and current environment""" s3_session = boto3.session.Session() # type: ignore s3_resource = s3_session.resource( # type: ignore service_name="s3", endpoint_url=getattr(self.config, "base_uri", None) ) if self.requester_pays: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects.filter( # type: ignore RequestPayer="requester" ) else: objects = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).objects # type: ignore list(objects.filter(Prefix=prefix).limit(1)) # type: ignore self.s3_session = s3_session # type: ignore return objects # type: ignore def get_product_bucket_name_and_prefix( self, product: EOProduct, url: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """Extract bucket name and prefix from product URL :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param url: (optional) URL to use as product.location :type url: str :returns: bucket_name and prefix as str :rtype: tuple """ if url is None: url = product.location bucket_path_level = getattr(self.config, "bucket_path_level", None) bucket, prefix = get_bucket_name_and_prefix( url=url, bucket_path_level=bucket_path_level ) if bucket is None: bucket = ( getattr(self.config, "products", {}) .get(product.product_type, {}) .get("default_bucket", "") ) return bucket, prefix def check_manifest_file_list(self, product_path: str) -> None: """Checks if products listed in exist""" manifest_path_list = [ os.path.join(d, x) for d, _, f in os.walk(product_path) for x in f if x == "" ] if len(manifest_path_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No could be found in {product_path}" ) else: safe_path = os.path.dirname(manifest_path_list[0]) root = etree.parse(os.path.join(safe_path, "")).getroot() for safe_file in root.xpath("//fileLocation"): safe_file_path = os.path.join(safe_path, safe_file.get("href")) if not os.path.isfile(safe_file_path) and "HTML" in safe_file.get("href"): # add empty files for missing HTML/* Path(safe_file_path).touch() elif not os.path.isfile(safe_file_path): logger.warning("SAFE build: %s is missing" % safe_file.get("href")) def finalize_s2_safe_product(self, product_path: str) -> None: """Add missing dirs to downloaded product""" try: logger.debug("Finalize SAFE product") manifest_path_list = [ os.path.join(d, x) for d, _, f in os.walk(product_path) for x in f if x == "" ] if len(manifest_path_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No could be found in {product_path}" ) else: safe_path = os.path.dirname(manifest_path_list[0]) # create empty missing dirs auxdata_path = os.path.join(safe_path, "AUX_DATA") if not os.path.isdir(auxdata_path): os.makedirs(auxdata_path) html_path = os.path.join(safe_path, "HTML") if not os.path.isdir(html_path): os.makedirs(html_path) repinfo_path = os.path.join(safe_path, "rep_info") if not os.path.isdir(repinfo_path): os.makedirs(repinfo_path) # granule tile dirname root = etree.parse(os.path.join(safe_path, "")).getroot() tile_id = cast( str, os.path.basename( os.path.dirname( root.xpath("//fileLocation[contains(@href,'MTD_TL.xml')]")[ 0 ].get("href") ) ), ) granule_folder = os.path.join(safe_path, "GRANULE") rename_subfolder(granule_folder, tile_id) # datastrip scene dirname scene_id = cast( str, os.path.basename( os.path.dirname( root.xpath("//fileLocation[contains(@href,'MTD_DS.xml')]")[ 0 ].get("href") ) ), ) datastrip_folder = os.path.join(safe_path, "DATASTRIP") rename_subfolder(datastrip_folder, scene_id) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Could not finalize SAFE product from downloaded data") raise DownloadError(e) def get_chunk_dest_path( self, product: EOProduct, chunk: Any, dir_prefix: Optional[str] = None, build_safe: bool = False, ) -> str: """Get chunk SAFE destination path""" if not build_safe: if dir_prefix is None: dir_prefix = chunk.key product_path: str = chunk.key.split(dir_prefix.strip("/") + "/")[-1] logger.debug(f"Downloading {chunk.key} to {product_path}") return product_path title_date1: Optional[str] = None title_part3: Optional[str] = None ds_dir: Any = 0 s2_processing_level: str = "" s1_title_suffix: Optional[str] = None # S2 common if product.product_type and "S2_MSI" in product.product_type: title_search: Optional[Match[str]] = r"^\w+_\w+_(\w+)_(\w+)_(\w+)_(\w+)_(\w+)$",["title"], ) title_date1 = if title_search else None title_part3 = if title_search else None ds_dir_search = r"^.+_(DS_\w+_+\w+_\w+)_\w+.\w+$","originalSceneID", ""), ) ds_dir = if ds_dir_search else 0 s2_processing_level = product.product_type.split("_")[-1] # S1 common elif product.product_type == "S1_SAR_GRD": s1_title_suffix_search = r"^.+_([A-Z0-9_]+_[A-Z0-9_]+_[A-Z0-9_]+_[A-Z0-9_]+)_\w+$",["title"], ) s1_title_suffix = ("_", "-") if s1_title_suffix_search else None ) # S2 L2A Tile files ----------------------------------------------- if matched := S2L2A_TILE_IMG_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/IMG_DATA/R%s/T%s%s%s_%s_%s_%s.jp2" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["res"], found_dict["tile1"], found_dict["tile2"], found_dict["tile3"], title_date1, found_dict["file"], found_dict["res"], ) elif matched := S2L2A_TILE_AUX_DIR_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/AUX_DATA/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) # S2 L2A QI Masks elif matched := S2_TILE_QI_MSK_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/QI_DATA/MSK_%sPRB_%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file_base"], found_dict["file_suffix"], ) # S2 L2A QI PVI elif matched := S2_TILE_QI_PVI_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/QI_DATA/%s_%s_PVI.jp2" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], title_part3, title_date1, ) # S2 Tile files --------------------------------------------------- elif matched := S2_TILE_PREVIEW_DIR_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/preview/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) elif matched := S2_TILE_IMG_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/IMG_DATA/T%s%s%s_%s_%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["tile1"], found_dict["tile2"], found_dict["tile3"], title_date1, found_dict["file"], ) elif matched := S2_TILE_THUMBNAIL_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) elif matched := S2_TILE_MTD_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/MTD_TL.xml" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], ) elif matched := S2_TILE_AUX_DIR_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/AUX_DATA/AUX_%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) elif matched := S2_TILE_QI_DIR_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/QI_DATA/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) # S2 Tiles generic elif matched := S2_TILE_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["num"], found_dict["file"], ) # S2 Product files elif matched := S2_PROD_DS_MTD_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/DATASTRIP/%s/MTD_DS.xml" % (["title"], ds_dir, ) elif matched := S2_PROD_DS_QI_REPORT_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/DATASTRIP/%s/QI_DATA/%s.xml" % (["title"], ds_dir, found_dict["filename"], ) elif matched := S2_PROD_DS_QI_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/DATASTRIP/%s/QI_DATA/%s" % (["title"], ds_dir, found_dict["file"], ) elif matched := S2_PROD_INSPIRE_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/INSPIRE.xml" % (["title"],) elif matched := S2_PROD_MTD_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/MTD_MSI%s.xml" % (["title"], s2_processing_level, ) # S2 Product generic elif matched := S2_PROD_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["file"], ) # S1 -------------------------------------------------------------- elif matched := S1_CALIB_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = ( "%s.SAFE/annotation/calibration/%s-%s-%s-grd-%s-%s-%03d.xml" % (["title"], found_dict["file_prefix"],["platformSerialIdentifier"].lower(), found_dict["file_beam"], found_dict["file_pol"], s1_title_suffix, S1_IMG_NB_PER_POLAR.get(["polarizationMode"], {} ).get(found_dict["file_pol"].upper(), 1), ) ) elif matched := S1_ANNOT_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/annotation/%s-%s-grd-%s-%s-%03d.xml" % (["title"],["platformSerialIdentifier"].lower(), found_dict["file_beam"], found_dict["file_pol"], s1_title_suffix, S1_IMG_NB_PER_POLAR.get(["polarizationMode"], {}).get( found_dict["file_pol"].upper(), 1 ), ) elif matched := S1_MEAS_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/measurement/%s-%s-grd-%s-%s-%03d.%s" % (["title"],["platformSerialIdentifier"].lower(), found_dict["file_beam"], found_dict["file_pol"], s1_title_suffix, S1_IMG_NB_PER_POLAR.get(["polarizationMode"], {}).get( found_dict["file_pol"].upper(), 1 ), found_dict["file_ext"], ) elif matched := S1_REPORT_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/%s.SAFE-%s" % (["title"],["title"], found_dict["file"], ) # S1 generic elif matched := S1_REGEX.match(chunk.key): found_dict = matched.groupdict() product_path = "%s.SAFE/%s" % (["title"], found_dict["file"], ) # out of SAFE format else: raise NotAvailableError(f"Ignored {chunk.key} out of SAFE matching pattern") logger.debug(f"Downloading {chunk.key} to {product_path}") return product_path def download_all( self, products: SearchResult, auth: Optional[PluginConfig] = None, downloaded_callback: Optional[DownloadedCallback] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Union[str, bool, Dict[str, Any]], ) -> List[str]: """ download_all using parent (base plugin) method """ return super(AwsDownload, self).download_all( products, auth=auth, downloaded_callback=downloaded_callback, progress_callback=progress_callback, wait=wait, timeout=timeout, **kwargs, )