Source code for eodag.plugins.authentication.token

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse

import requests
from requests import RequestException
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from urllib3 import Retry

from eodag.plugins.authentication.base import Authentication
from eodag.utils import (
from eodag.utils.exceptions import AuthenticationError, MisconfiguredError, TimeOutError

    from requests import PreparedRequest

    from eodag.config import PluginConfig

logger = logging.getLogger("eodag.authentication.token")

[docs] class TokenAuth(Authentication): """TokenAuth authentication plugin - fetches a token which is added to search/download requests :param provider: provider name :param config: Authentication plugin configuration: * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.type` (``str``) (**mandatory**): TokenAuth * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.auth_uri` (``str``) (**mandatory**): url used to fetch the access token with user/password * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.refresh_uri` (``str``) : url used to fetch the access token with a refresh token * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.token_type` (``str``): type of the token (``json`` or ``text``); default: ``text`` * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.token_key` (``str``): (mandatory if token_type=json) key to get the access token in the response to the token request * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.refresh_token_key` (``str``): key to get the refresh token in the response to the token request * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.ssl_verify` (``bool``): if the ssl certificates should be verified in the requests; default: ``True`` * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.auth_error_code` (``int``): which error code is returned in case of an authentication error * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.req_data` (``Dict[str, Any]``): if the credentials should be sent as data in the post request, the json structure can be given in this parameter * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.retry_total` (``int``): :class:`urllib3.util.Retry` ``total`` parameter, total number of retries to allow; default: ``3`` * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.retry_backoff_factor` (``int``): :class:`urllib3.util.Retry` ``backoff_factor`` parameter, backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try; default: ``2`` * :attr:`~eodag.config.PluginConfig.retry_status_forcelist` (``List[int]``): :class:`urllib3.util.Retry` ``status_forcelist`` parameter, list of integer HTTP status codes that we should force a retry on; default: ``[401, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(TokenAuth, self).__init__(provider, config) self.token = "" self.refresh_token = ""
def validate_config_credentials(self) -> None: """Validate configured credentials""" super(TokenAuth, self).validate_config_credentials() try: # format auth_uri using credentials if needed self.config.auth_uri = self.config.auth_uri.format( **self.config.credentials ) # format headers if needed (and accepts {token} to be formatted later) self.config.headers = { header: value.format(**{"token": "{token}", **self.config.credentials}) for header, value in getattr(self.config, "headers", {}).items() } except KeyError as e: raise MisconfiguredError( f"Missing credentials inputs for provider {self.provider}: {e}" ) def authenticate(self) -> AuthBase: """Authenticate""" self.validate_config_credentials() s = requests.Session() try: # First get the token response = self._token_request(session=s) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except RequestException as e: response_text = getattr(e.response, "text", "").strip() # check if error is identified as auth_error in provider conf auth_errors = getattr(self.config, "auth_error_code", [None]) if not isinstance(auth_errors, list): auth_errors = [auth_errors] if ( e.response is not None and getattr(e.response, "status_code", None) and e.response.status_code in auth_errors ): raise AuthenticationError( f"Please check your credentials for {self.provider}.", f"HTTP Error {e.response.status_code} returned.", response_text, ) from e # other error else: raise AuthenticationError( "Could no get authentication token", str(e), response_text ) from e else: if getattr(self.config, "token_type", "text") == "json": token = response.json()[self.config.token_key] else: token = response.text self.token = token if getattr(self.config, "refresh_token_key", None): self.refresh_token = response.json()[self.config.refresh_token_key] if not hasattr(self.config, "headers"): raise MisconfiguredError(f"Missing headers configuration for {self}") # Return auth class set with obtained token return RequestsTokenAuth( token, "header", headers=getattr(self.config, "headers", {}) ) def _token_request( self, session: requests.Session, ) -> requests.Response: retry_total = getattr(self.config, "retry_total", REQ_RETRY_TOTAL) retry_backoff_factor = getattr( self.config, "retry_backoff_factor", REQ_RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR ) retry_status_forcelist = getattr( self.config, "retry_status_forcelist", REQ_RETRY_STATUS_FORCELIST ) retries = Retry( total=retry_total, backoff_factor=retry_backoff_factor, status_forcelist=retry_status_forcelist, ) # append headers to req if some are specified in config req_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = { "headers": dict(self.config.headers, **USER_AGENT) } ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) if self.refresh_token: logger.debug("fetching access token with refresh token") session.mount(self.config.refresh_uri, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) try: response = self.config.refresh_uri, data={"refresh_token": self.refresh_token}, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify, **req_kwargs, ) response.raise_for_status() return response except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logger.debug(getattr(e.response, "text", "").strip()) logger.debug("fetching access token from %s", self.config.auth_uri) # append headers to req if some are specified in config session.mount(self.config.auth_uri, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) method = getattr(self.config, "request_method", "POST") # send credentials also as data in POST requests if method == "POST": # append req_data to credentials if specified in config req_kwargs["data"] = dict( getattr(self.config, "req_data", {}), **self.config.credentials ) # credentials as auth tuple if possible req_kwargs["auth"] = ( ( self.config.credentials["username"], self.config.credentials["password"], ) if all( k in self.config.credentials.keys() for k in ["username", "password"] ) else None ) return session.request( method=method, url=self.config.auth_uri, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify, **req_kwargs, )
class RequestsTokenAuth(AuthBase): """A custom authentication class to be used with requests module""" def __init__( self, token: str, where: str, qs_key: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: self.token = token self.where = where self.qs_key = qs_key self.headers = headers def __call__(self, request: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest: """Perform the actual authentication""" if self.headers and isinstance(self.headers, dict): for k, v in self.headers.items(): request.headers[k] = v if self.where == "qs": parts = urlparse(str(request.url)) qs = parse_qs(parts.query) if self.qs_key is not None: qs[self.qs_key] = [self.token] request.url = urlunparse( ( parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path, parts.params, urlencode(qs), parts.fragment, ) ) elif self.where == "header": request.headers["Authorization"] = request.headers.get( "Authorization", "Bearer {token}" ).format(token=self.token) return request