Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
from import Iterable
from typing import (
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, unquote, unquote_plus, urlparse, urlunparse
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

import geojson
import orjson
import requests
import yaml
from lxml import etree
from pydantic import create_model
from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo
from requests import Response
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.auth import AuthBase

from eodag.api.product import EOProduct
from eodag.api.product.metadata_mapping import (
from import Search
from eodag.types import json_field_definition_to_python, model_fields_to_annotated
from eodag.types.search_args import SortByList
from eodag.utils import (
from eodag.utils.exceptions import (

    from eodag.config import PluginConfig

logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs] class QueryStringSearch(Search): """A plugin that helps implementing any kind of search protocol that relies on query strings (e.g: opensearch). The available configuration parameters for this kind of plugin are: - **result_type**: (optional) One of "json" or "xml", depending on the representation of the provider's search results. The default is "json" - **results_entry**: (mandatory) The name of the key in the provider search result that gives access to the result entries - **api_endpoint**: (mandatory) The endpoint of the provider's search interface - **literal_search_params**: (optional) A mapping of (search_param => search_value) pairs giving search parameters to be passed as is in the search url query string. This is useful for example in situations where the user wants to pass-in a search query as it is done on the provider interface. In such a case, the user can put in his configuration file the query he needs to pass to the provider. - **pagination**: (mandatory) The configuration of how the pagination is done on the provider. It is a tree with the following nodes: - *next_page_url_tpl*: The template for pagination requests. This is a simple Python format string which will be resolved using the following keywords: ``url`` (the base url of the search endpoint), ``search`` (the query string corresponding to the search request), ``items_per_page`` (the number of items to return per page), ``skip`` (the number of items to skip) or ``skip_base_1`` (the number of items to skip, starting from 1) and ``page`` (which page to return). - *total_items_nb_key_path*: (optional) An XPath or JsonPath leading to the total number of results satisfying a request. This is used for providers which provides the total results metadata along with the result of the query and don't have an endpoint for querying the number of items satisfying a request, or for providers for which the count endpoint returns a json or xml document - *count_endpoint*: (optional) The endpoint for counting the number of items satisfying a request - *next_page_url_key_path*: (optional) A JSONPATH expression used to retrieve the URL of the next page in the response of the current page. - **free_text_search_operations**: (optional) A tree structure of the form:: # noqa: E800 <search-param>: # e.g: $search union: # how to join the operations below (e.g: ' AND ' --> # '(op1 AND op2) AND (op3 OR op4)') wrapper: # a pattern for how each operation will be wrapped # (e.g: '({})' --> '(op1 AND op2)') operations: # The operations to build <opname>: # e.g: AND - <op1> # e.g: # 'sensingStartDate:[{startTimeFromAscendingNode}Z TO *]' - <op2> # e.g: # 'sensingStopDate:[* TO {completionTimeFromAscendingNode}Z]' ... ... ... With the structure above, each operation will become a string of the form: '(<op1> <opname> <op2>)', then the operations will be joined together using the union string and finally if the number of operations is greater than 1, they will be wrapped as specified by the wrapper config key. The search plugins of this kind can detect when a metadata mapping is "query-able", and get the semantics of how to format the query string parameter that enables to make a query on the corresponding metadata. To make a metadata query-able, just configure it in the metadata mapping to be a list of 2 items, the first one being the specification of the query string search formatting. The later is a string following the specification of Python string formatting, with a special behaviour added to it. For example, an entry in the metadata mapping of this kind:: completionTimeFromAscendingNode: - 'f=acquisition.endViewingDate:lte:{completionTimeFromAscendingNode#timestamp}' - '$.properties.acquisition.endViewingDate' means that the search url will have a query string parameter named *"f"* with a value of *"acquisition.endViewingDate:lte:1543922280.0"* if the search was done with the value of ``completionTimeFromAscendingNode`` being ``2018-12-04T12:18:00``. What happened is that ``{completionTimeFromAscendingNode#timestamp}`` was replaced with the timestamp of the value of ``completionTimeFromAscendingNode``. This example shows all there is to know about the semantics of the query string formatting introduced by this plugin: any eodag search parameter can be referenced in the query string with an additional optional conversion function that is separated from it by a ``#`` (see :func:`~eodag.utils.format_metadata` for further details on the available converters). Note that for the values in the ``free_text_search_operations`` configuration parameter follow the same rule. :param provider: An eodag providers configuration dictionary :type provider: dict :param config: Path to the user configuration file :type config: str """ DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 10 extract_properties = {"xml": properties_from_xml, "json": properties_from_json}
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(QueryStringSearch, self).__init__(provider, config) self.config.__dict__.setdefault("result_type", "json") self.config.__dict__.setdefault("results_entry", "features") self.config.__dict__.setdefault("pagination", {}) self.config.__dict__.setdefault("free_text_search_operations", {}) self.search_urls: List[str] = [] self.query_params: Dict[str, str] = dict() self.query_string = "" self.next_page_url = None self.next_page_query_obj = None self.next_page_merge = None # parse jsonpath on init: pagination if ( self.config.result_type == "json" and "total_items_nb_key_path" in self.config.pagination ): self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"] ) if ( self.config.result_type == "json" and "next_page_url_key_path" in self.config.pagination ): self.config.pagination["next_page_url_key_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination.get("next_page_url_key_path", None) ) if ( self.config.result_type == "json" and "next_page_query_obj_key_path" in self.config.pagination ): self.config.pagination["next_page_query_obj_key_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination.get("next_page_query_obj_key_path", None) ) if ( self.config.result_type == "json" and "next_page_merge_key_path" in self.config.pagination ): self.config.pagination["next_page_merge_key_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination.get("next_page_merge_key_path", None) ) # parse jsonpath on init: product types discovery if ( getattr(self.config, "discover_product_types", {}).get( "results_entry", None ) and getattr(self.config, "discover_product_types", {}).get( "result_type", None ) == "json" ): self.config.discover_product_types["results_entry"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.discover_product_types["results_entry"], force=True ) self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_id" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( {"foo": self.config.discover_product_types["generic_product_type_id"]} )[ "foo" ] self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_properties" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_properties" ] ) self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_metadata" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_metadata" ] ) if ( "single_product_type_parsable_metadata" in self.config.discover_product_types ): self.config.discover_product_types[ "single_product_type_parsable_metadata" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.discover_product_types[ "single_product_type_parsable_metadata" ] ) # parse jsonpath on init: queryables discovery if ( getattr(self.config, "discover_queryables", {}).get("results_entry", None) and getattr(self.config, "discover_queryables", {}).get("result_type", None) == "json" ): self.config.discover_queryables["results_entry"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.discover_queryables["results_entry"], force=True ) # parse jsonpath on init: product type specific metadata-mapping for product_type in self.config.products.keys(): if "metadata_mapping" in self.config.products[product_type].keys(): self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.products[product_type]["metadata_mapping"] ) # Complete and ready to use product type specific metadata-mapping product_type_metadata_mapping = deepcopy(self.config.metadata_mapping) # update config using provider product type definition metadata_mapping # from another product other_product_for_mapping = cast( str, self.config.products[product_type].get( "metadata_mapping_from_product", "" ), ) if other_product_for_mapping: other_product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( other_product_for_mapping, ) other_product_type_mtd_mapping = ( mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( other_product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}) ) ) # updated mapping at the end for metadata, mapping in other_product_type_mtd_mapping.items(): product_type_metadata_mapping.pop(metadata, None) product_type_metadata_mapping[metadata] = mapping # from current product, updated mapping at the end for metadata, mapping in self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ].items(): product_type_metadata_mapping.pop(metadata, None) product_type_metadata_mapping[metadata] = mapping self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ] = product_type_metadata_mapping
def clear(self) -> None: """Clear search context""" super().clear() self.search_urls.clear() self.query_params.clear() self.query_string = "" self.next_page_url = None self.next_page_query_obj = None self.next_page_merge = None def discover_product_types(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Fetch product types list from provider using `discover_product_types` conf :returns: configuration dict containing fetched product types information :rtype: (optional) dict """ try: fetch_url = cast( str, self.config.discover_product_types["fetch_url"].format( **self.config.__dict__ ), ) if kwargs: url_parse = urlparse(fetch_url) query = url_parse.query url_dict = dict(parse_qsl(query)) url_dict.update(kwargs) url_new_query = urlencode(url_dict) url_parse = url_parse._replace(query=url_new_query) fetch_url = urlunparse(url_parse) response = QueryStringSearch._request( self, fetch_url, info_message="Fetching product types: {}".format(fetch_url), exception_message="Skipping error while fetching product types for " "{} {} instance:".format(self.provider, self.__class__.__name__), ) except (RequestError, KeyError, AttributeError): return None else: try: conf_update_dict: Dict[str, Any] = { "providers_config": {}, "product_types_config": {}, } if self.config.discover_product_types["result_type"] == "json": resp_as_json = response.json() # extract results from response json result = [ match.value for match in self.config.discover_product_types[ "results_entry" ].find(resp_as_json) ] if result and isinstance(result[0], list): result = result[0] for product_type_result in result: # providers_config extraction extracted_mapping = properties_from_json( product_type_result, dict( self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_properties" ], **{ "generic_product_type_id": self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_id" ] }, ), ) generic_product_type_id = extracted_mapping.pop( "generic_product_type_id" ) conf_update_dict["providers_config"][ generic_product_type_id ] = dict( extracted_mapping, **self.config.discover_product_types.get( "generic_product_type_unparsable_properties", {} ), ) # product_types_config extraction conf_update_dict["product_types_config"][ generic_product_type_id ] = properties_from_json( product_type_result, self.config.discover_product_types[ "generic_product_type_parsable_metadata" ], ) if ( "single_product_type_parsable_metadata" in self.config.discover_product_types ): collection_data = self._get_product_type_metadata_from_single_collection_endpoint( generic_product_type_id ) conf_update_dict["product_types_config"][ generic_product_type_id ].update(collection_data) # update keywords keywords_fields = [ "instrument", "platform", "platformSerialIdentifier", "processingLevel", "keywords", ] keywords_values_str = ",".join( [generic_product_type_id] + [ str( conf_update_dict["product_types_config"][ generic_product_type_id ][kf] ) for kf in keywords_fields if conf_update_dict["product_types_config"][ generic_product_type_id ][kf] != NOT_AVAILABLE ] ) # cleanup str list from unwanted characters keywords_values_str = ( keywords_values_str.replace(", ", ",") .replace(" ", "-") .replace("_", "-") .lower() ) keywords_values_str = re.sub( r"[\[\]'\"]", "", keywords_values_str ) # sorted list of unique lowercase keywords keywords_values_str = ",".join( sorted(set(keywords_values_str.split(","))) ) conf_update_dict["product_types_config"][ generic_product_type_id ]["keywords"] = keywords_values_str except KeyError as e: logger.warning( "Incomplete %s discover_product_types configuration: %s", self.provider, e, ) return None conf_update_dict["product_types_config"] = dict_items_recursive_apply( conf_update_dict["product_types_config"], lambda k, v: v if v != NOT_AVAILABLE else None, ) return conf_update_dict def _get_product_type_metadata_from_single_collection_endpoint( self, product_type: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ retrieves additional product type information from an endpoint returning data for a single collection :param product_type: product type :type product_type: str :return: product types and their metadata :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ single_collection_url = self.config.discover_product_types[ "single_collection_fetch_url" ].format(productType=product_type) resp = QueryStringSearch._request( self, single_collection_url, info_message="Fetching data for product type product type: {}".format( product_type ), exception_message="Skipping error while fetching product types for " "{} {} instance:".format(self.provider, self.__class__.__name__), ) product_data = resp.json() return properties_from_json( product_data, self.config.discover_product_types["single_product_type_parsable_metadata"], ) def query( self, product_type: Optional[str] = None, items_per_page: int = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, page: int = DEFAULT_PAGE, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[EOProduct], Optional[int]]: """Perform a search on an OpenSearch-like interface :param items_per_page: (optional) The number of results that must appear in one single page :type items_per_page: int :param page: (optional) The page number to return :type page: int :param count: (optional) To trigger a count request :type count: bool """ product_type = kwargs.get("productType", product_type) if product_type == GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE: logger.warning( "GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE is not a real product_type and should only be used internally as a template" ) return [], 0 sort_by_arg: Optional[SortByList] = self.get_sort_by_arg(kwargs) sort_by_qs, _ = ( ("", {}) if sort_by_arg is None else self.build_sort_by(sort_by_arg) ) provider_product_type = self.map_product_type(product_type) keywords = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != "auth" and v is not None} keywords["productType"] = ( provider_product_type if (provider_product_type and provider_product_type != GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE) else product_type ) # provider product type specific conf self.product_type_def_params = ( self.get_product_type_def_params(product_type, **kwargs) if product_type is not None else {} ) # if product_type_def_params is set, remove product_type as it may conflict with this conf if self.product_type_def_params: keywords.pop("productType", None) if self.config.metadata_mapping: product_type_metadata_mapping = dict( self.config.metadata_mapping, **self.product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}), ) keywords.update( { k: v for k, v in self.product_type_def_params.items() if k not in keywords.keys() and k in product_type_metadata_mapping.keys() and isinstance(product_type_metadata_mapping[k], list) } ) if product_type is None: raise ValidationError("Required productType is missing") qp, qs = self.build_query_string(product_type, **keywords) self.query_params = qp self.query_string = qs self.search_urls, total_items = self.collect_search_urls( page=page, items_per_page=items_per_page, count=count, sort_by_qs=sort_by_qs, **kwargs, ) if not count and hasattr(self, "total_items_nb"): # do not try to extract total_items from search results if count is False del self.total_items_nb del self.need_count provider_results = self.do_search(items_per_page=items_per_page, **kwargs) if count and total_items is None and hasattr(self, "total_items_nb"): total_items = self.total_items_nb eo_products = self.normalize_results(provider_results, **kwargs) total_items = len(eo_products) if total_items == 0 else total_items return eo_products, total_items @_deprecated( reason="Simply run `self.config.metadata_mapping.update(metadata_mapping)` instead", version="2.10.0", ) def update_metadata_mapping(self, metadata_mapping: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Update plugin metadata_mapping with input metadata_mapping configuration""" if self.config.metadata_mapping: self.config.metadata_mapping.update(metadata_mapping) def build_query_string( self, product_type: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str]: """Build The query string using the search parameters""" logger.debug("Building the query string that will be used for search") query_params = format_query_params(product_type, self.config, **kwargs) # Build the final query string, in one go without quoting it # (some providers do not operate well with urlencoded and quoted query strings) quote_via: Callable[[Any, str, str, str], str] = lambda x, *_args, **_kwargs: x return ( query_params, urlencode(query_params, doseq=True, quote_via=quote_via), ) def collect_search_urls( self, page: Optional[int] = None, items_per_page: Optional[int] = None, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[int]]: """Build paginated urls""" urls = [] total_results = 0 if count else None # use only sort_by parameters for search, not for count # and remove potential leading '&' qs_with_sort = (self.query_string + kwargs.get("sort_by_qs", "")).strip("&") if "count_endpoint" not in self.config.pagination: # if count_endpoint is not set, total_results should be extracted from search result total_results = None self.need_count = True self.total_items_nb = None for collection in self.get_collections(**kwargs): # skip empty collection if one is required in api_endpoint if "{collection}" in self.config.api_endpoint and not collection: continue search_endpoint = self.config.api_endpoint.rstrip("/").format( collection=collection ) if page is not None and items_per_page is not None: if count: count_endpoint = self.config.pagination.get( "count_endpoint", "" ).format(collection=collection) if count_endpoint: count_url = "{}?{}".format(count_endpoint, self.query_string) _total_results = ( self.count_hits( count_url, result_type=self.config.result_type ) or 0 ) if getattr(self.config, "merge_responses", False): total_results = _total_results else: total_results = ( 0 if total_results is None else total_results ) total_results += _total_results or 0 next_url = self.config.pagination["next_page_url_tpl"].format( url=search_endpoint, search=qs_with_sort, items_per_page=items_per_page, page=page, skip=(page - 1) * items_per_page, skip_base_1=(page - 1) * items_per_page + 1, ) else: next_url = "{}?{}".format(search_endpoint, qs_with_sort) urls.append(next_url) return urls, total_results def do_search( self, items_per_page: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Any]: """Perform the actual search request. If there is a specified number of items per page, return the results as soon as this number is reached :param items_per_page: (optional) The number of items to return for one page :type items_per_page: int """ total_items_nb = 0 if getattr(self, "need_count", False): # extract total_items_nb from search results if self.config.result_type == "json": total_items_nb_key_path_parsed = self.config.pagination[ "total_items_nb_key_path" ] results: List[Any] = [] for search_url in self.search_urls: response = self._request( search_url, info_message="Sending search request: {}".format(search_url), exception_message="Skipping error while searching for {} {} " "instance:".format(self.provider, self.__class__.__name__), ) next_page_url_key_path = self.config.pagination.get( "next_page_url_key_path", None ) next_page_query_obj_key_path = self.config.pagination.get( "next_page_query_obj_key_path", None ) next_page_merge_key_path = self.config.pagination.get( "next_page_merge_key_path", None ) if self.config.result_type == "xml": root_node = etree.fromstring(response.content) namespaces = {k or "ns": v for k, v in root_node.nsmap.items()} results_xpath = root_node.xpath( self.config.results_entry or "//ns:entry", namespaces=namespaces ) result = ( [etree.tostring(element_or_tree=entry) for entry in results_xpath] if isinstance(results_xpath, Iterable) else [] ) if next_page_url_key_path or next_page_query_obj_key_path: raise NotImplementedError( "Setting the next page url from an XML response has not " "been implemented yet" ) if getattr(self, "need_count", False): # extract total_items_nb from search results try: total_nb_results_xpath = root_node.xpath( str(self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"]), namespaces={ k or "ns": v for k, v in root_node.nsmap.items() }, ) total_nb_results = ( total_nb_results_xpath if isinstance(total_nb_results_xpath, Iterable) else [] )[0] _total_items_nb = int(total_nb_results) if getattr(self.config, "merge_responses", False): total_items_nb = _total_items_nb or 0 else: total_items_nb += _total_items_nb or 0 except IndexError: logger.debug( "Could not extract total_items_nb from search results" ) else: resp_as_json = response.json() if next_page_url_key_path: path_parsed = next_page_url_key_path try: self.next_page_url = path_parsed.find(resp_as_json)[0].value logger.debug( "Next page URL collected and set for the next search", ) except IndexError: logger.debug("Next page URL could not be collected") if next_page_query_obj_key_path: path_parsed = next_page_query_obj_key_path try: self.next_page_query_obj = path_parsed.find(resp_as_json)[ 0 ].value logger.debug( "Next page Query-object collected and set for the next search", ) except IndexError: logger.debug("Next page Query-object could not be collected") if next_page_merge_key_path: path_parsed = next_page_merge_key_path try: self.next_page_merge = path_parsed.find(resp_as_json)[0].value logger.debug( "Next page merge collected and set for the next search", ) except IndexError: logger.debug("Next page merge could not be collected") results_entry = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.results_entry, force=True ) try: result = results_entry.find(resp_as_json)[0].value except Exception: result = [] if not isinstance(result, list): result = [result] if getattr(self, "need_count", False): # extract total_items_nb from search results try: _total_items_nb = total_items_nb_key_path_parsed.find( resp_as_json )[0].value if getattr(self.config, "merge_responses", False): total_items_nb = _total_items_nb or 0 else: total_items_nb += _total_items_nb or 0 except IndexError: logger.debug( "Could not extract total_items_nb from search results" ) if getattr(self.config, "merge_responses", False): results = ( [dict(r, **result[i]) for i, r in enumerate(results)] if results else result ) else: results.extend(result) if getattr(self, "need_count", False): self.total_items_nb = total_items_nb del self.need_count if items_per_page is not None and len(results) == items_per_page: return results return results def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Build EOProducts from provider results""" normalize_remaining_count = len(results) logger.debug( "Adapting %s plugin results to eodag product representation" % normalize_remaining_count ) products: List[EOProduct] = [] for result in results: product = EOProduct( self.provider, QueryStringSearch.extract_properties[self.config.result_type]( result, self.get_metadata_mapping(kwargs.get("productType")), discovery_config=getattr(self.config, "discover_metadata", {}), ), **kwargs, ) # use product_type_config as default properties = dict( getattr(self.config, "product_type_config", {}), ** ) products.append(product) return products def count_hits(self, count_url: str, result_type: Optional[str] = "json") -> int: """Count the number of results satisfying some criteria""" # Handle a very annoying special case :'( url = count_url.replace("$format=json&", "") response = self._request( url, info_message="Sending count request: {}".format(url), exception_message="Skipping error while counting results for {} {} " "instance:".format(self.provider, self.__class__.__name__), ) if result_type == "xml": root_node = etree.fromstring(response.content) total_nb_results = root_node.xpath( self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"], namespaces={k or "ns": v for k, v in root_node.nsmap.items()}, )[0] total_results = int(total_nb_results) else: count_results = response.json() if isinstance(count_results, dict): path_parsed = self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"] total_results = path_parsed.find(count_results)[0].value else: # interpret the result as a raw int total_results = int(count_results) return total_results def get_collections(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Set[Dict[str, Any]], ...]: """Get the collection to which the product belongs""" # See # /asset_publisher/Ac0d/content/change-of # -format-for-new-sentinel-2-level-1c-products-starting-on-6-december product_type: Optional[str] = kwargs.get("productType") if product_type is None and not self.product_type_def_params: collections: Set[Dict[str, Any]] = set() collection: Optional[str] = getattr(self.config, "collection", None) if collection is None: try: for product_type, product_config in self.config.products.items(): if product_type != GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE: collections.add(product_config["collection"]) else: collections.add( format_dict_items(product_config, **kwargs).get( "collection", "" ) ) except KeyError: collections.add("") else: collections.add(collection) return tuple(collections) collection: Optional[str] = getattr(self.config, "collection", None) if collection is None: collection = ( self.product_type_def_params.get("collection", None) or product_type ) return (collection,) if not isinstance(collection, list) else tuple(collection) def _request( self, url: str, info_message: Optional[str] = None, exception_message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Response: try: timeout = getattr(self.config, "timeout", HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) ssl_ctx = get_ssl_context(ssl_verify) # auth if needed kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} if ( getattr(self.config, "need_auth", False) and hasattr(self, "auth") and callable(self.auth) ): kwargs["auth"] = self.auth # requests auto quote url params, without any option to prevent it # use urllib instead of requests if req must be sent unquoted if hasattr(self.config, "dont_quote"): # keep unquoted desired params base_url, params = url.split("?") if "?" in url else (url, "") qry = quote(params) for keep_unquoted in self.config.dont_quote: qry = qry.replace(quote(keep_unquoted), keep_unquoted) # prepare req for Response building req = requests.Request( method="GET", url=base_url, headers=USER_AGENT, **kwargs ) prep = req.prepare() prep.url = base_url + "?" + qry # send urllib req if info_message:, prep.url)) urllib_req = Request(prep.url, headers=USER_AGENT) urllib_response = urlopen(urllib_req, timeout=timeout, context=ssl_ctx) # build Response adapter = HTTPAdapter() response = cast(Response, adapter.build_response(prep, urllib_response)) else: if info_message: response = requests.get( url, timeout=timeout, headers=USER_AGENT, verify=ssl_verify, **kwargs, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=timeout) from exc except (requests.RequestException, URLError) as err: err_msg = err.readlines() if hasattr(err, "readlines") else "" if exception_message: logger.exception("%s %s" % (exception_message, err_msg)) else: logger.exception( "Skipping error while requesting: %s (provider:%s, plugin:%s): %s", url, self.provider, self.__class__.__name__, err_msg, ) raise RequestError(str(err)) return response
[docs] class AwsSearch(QueryStringSearch): """A specialisation of RestoSearch that modifies the way the EOProducts are built from the search results""" def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Transform metadata from provider representation to eodag representation""" normalized: List[EOProduct] = [] logger.debug("Adapting plugin results to eodag product representation") for result in results: ref = result["properties"]["title"].split("_")[5] year = result["properties"]["completionDate"][0:4] month = str(int(result["properties"]["completionDate"][5:7])) day = str(int(result["properties"]["completionDate"][8:10])) properties = QueryStringSearch.extract_properties[self.config.result_type]( result, self.get_metadata_mapping(kwargs.get("productType")) ) properties["downloadLink"] = ( "s3://tiles/{ref[1]}{ref[2]}/{ref[3]}/{ref[4]}{ref[5]}/{year}/" "{month}/{day}/0/" ).format(**locals()) normalized.append(EOProduct(self.provider, properties, **kwargs)) return normalized
[docs] class ODataV4Search(QueryStringSearch): """A specialisation of a QueryStringSearch that does a two step search to retrieve all products metadata"""
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(ODataV4Search, self).__init__(provider, config) # parse jsonpath on init metadata_pre_mapping = getattr(self.config, "metadata_pre_mapping", {}) metadata_path = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path", None) metadata_path_id = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path_id", None) metadata_path_value = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path_value", None) if metadata_path and metadata_path_id and metadata_path_value: self.config.metadata_pre_mapping["metadata_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( metadata_path )
def do_search(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Any]: """A two step search can be performed if the metadata are not given into the search result""" if getattr(self.config, "per_product_metadata_query", False): final_result = [] ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) # Query the products entity set for basic metadata about the product for entity in super(ODataV4Search, self).do_search(*args, **kwargs): metadata_url = self.get_metadata_search_url(entity) try: logger.debug("Sending metadata request: %s", metadata_url) response = requests.get( metadata_url, headers=USER_AGENT, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except requests.RequestException: logger.exception( "Skipping error while searching for %s %s instance:", self.provider, self.__class__.__name__, ) else: entity.update( {item["id"]: item["value"] for item in response.json()["value"]} ) final_result.append(entity) return final_result else: return super(ODataV4Search, self).do_search(*args, **kwargs) def get_metadata_search_url(self, entity: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Build the metadata link for the given entity""" return "{}({})/Metadata".format( self.config.api_endpoint.rstrip("/"), entity["id"] ) def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Build EOProducts from provider results If configured, a metadata pre-mapping can be applied to simplify further metadata extraction. For example, going from '$.Metadata[?("foo")].value' to '$' """ metadata_pre_mapping = getattr(self.config, "metadata_pre_mapping", {}) metadata_path = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path", None) metadata_path_id = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path_id", None) metadata_path_value = metadata_pre_mapping.get("metadata_path_value", None) if metadata_path and metadata_path_id and metadata_path_value: # metadata_path already parsed on init parsed_metadata_path = metadata_path for result in results: found_metadata = parsed_metadata_path.find(result) if found_metadata: metadata_update = {} for metadata_dict in found_metadata[0].value: metada_id = metadata_dict[metadata_path_id] metada_value = metadata_dict[metadata_path_value] metadata_update[metada_id] = metada_value parsed_metadata_path.update(result, metadata_update) # once metadata pre-mapping applied execute QueryStringSearch.normalize_results products = super(ODataV4Search, self).normalize_results(results, **kwargs) return products
[docs] class PostJsonSearch(QueryStringSearch): """A specialisation of a QueryStringSearch that uses POST method""" def query( self, product_type: Optional[str] = None, items_per_page: int = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, page: int = DEFAULT_PAGE, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[EOProduct], Optional[int]]: """Perform a search on an OpenSearch-like interface""" product_type = kwargs.get("productType", None) # remove "product_type" from search args if exists for compatibility with QueryStringSearch methods kwargs.pop("product_type", None) sort_by_arg: Optional[SortByList] = self.get_sort_by_arg(kwargs) _, sort_by_qp = ( ("", {}) if sort_by_arg is None else self.build_sort_by(sort_by_arg) ) provider_product_type = self.map_product_type(product_type) _dc_qs = kwargs.pop("_dc_qs", None) if _dc_qs is not None: qs = unquote_plus(unquote_plus(_dc_qs)) qp = geojson.loads(qs) # provider product type specific conf self.product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( product_type, **kwargs ) else: keywords = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != "auth" and v is not None } if provider_product_type and provider_product_type != GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE: keywords["productType"] = provider_product_type elif product_type: keywords["productType"] = product_type # provider product type specific conf self.product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( product_type, **kwargs ) # Add to the query, the queryable parameters set in the provider product type definition keywords.update( { k: v for k, v in self.product_type_def_params.items() if k not in keywords.keys() and k in self.config.metadata_mapping.keys() and isinstance(self.config.metadata_mapping[k], list) } ) qp, _ = self.build_query_string(product_type, **keywords) for query_param, query_value in qp.items(): if ( query_param in self.config.products.get(product_type, {}).get( "specific_qssearch", {"parameters": []} )["parameters"] ): # config backup plugin_config_backup = yaml.dump(self.config) self.config.api_endpoint = query_value self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.products[product_type]["specific_qssearch"][ "metadata_mapping" ] ) self.config.results_entry = self.config.products[product_type][ "specific_qssearch" ]["results_entry"] self.config.collection = self.config.products[product_type][ "specific_qssearch" ].get("collection", None) self.config.merge_responses = self.config.products[product_type][ "specific_qssearch" ].get("merge_responses", None) self.count_hits = lambda *x, **y: 1 self._request = super(PostJsonSearch, self)._request try: eo_products, total_items = super(PostJsonSearch, self).query( items_per_page=items_per_page, page=page, **kwargs ) except Exception: raise finally: # restore config self.config = yaml.load( plugin_config_backup, self.config.yaml_loader ) return eo_products, total_items # If we were not able to build query params but have queryable search criteria, # this means the provider does not support the search criteria given. If so, # stop searching right away product_type_metadata_mapping = dict( self.config.metadata_mapping, **self.product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}), ) if not qp and any( k for k in keywords.keys() if isinstance(product_type_metadata_mapping.get(k, []), list) ): return [], 0 self.query_params = dict(qp, **sort_by_qp) self.search_urls, total_items = self.collect_search_urls( page=page, items_per_page=items_per_page, count=count, **kwargs ) if not count and getattr(self, "need_count", False): # do not try to extract total_items from search results if count is False del self.total_items_nb del self.need_count provider_results = self.do_search(items_per_page=items_per_page, **kwargs) if count and total_items is None and hasattr(self, "total_items_nb"): total_items = self.total_items_nb eo_products = self.normalize_results(provider_results, **kwargs) total_items = len(eo_products) if total_items == 0 else total_items return eo_products, total_items def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Build EOProducts from provider results""" results = super(PostJsonSearch, self).normalize_results(results, **kwargs) for product in results: if "downloadLink" in decoded_link = unquote(["downloadLink"]) if decoded_link[0] == "{": # not a url but a dict["_dc_qs"] =["downloadLink"] # workaround to add product type to wekeo cmems order links if ( "orderLink" in and "productType" in["orderLink"] ):["orderLink"] =[ "orderLink" ].replace("productType", product.product_type) return results def collect_search_urls( self, page: Optional[int] = None, items_per_page: Optional[int] = None, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[int]]: """Adds pagination to query parameters, and auth to url""" urls: List[str] = [] total_results = 0 if count else None if "count_endpoint" not in self.config.pagination: # if count_endpoint is not set, total_results should be extracted from search result total_results = None self.need_count = True self.total_items_nb = None if "auth" in kwargs and hasattr(kwargs["auth"], "config"): auth_conf_dict = getattr(kwargs["auth"].config, "credentials", {}) else: auth_conf_dict = {} for collection in self.get_collections(**kwargs): try: search_endpoint: str = self.config.api_endpoint.rstrip("/").format( **dict(collection=collection, **auth_conf_dict) ) except KeyError as e: raise MisconfiguredError( "Missing %s in %s configuration" % (",".join(e.args), kwargs["auth"].provider) ) if page is not None and items_per_page is not None: if count: count_endpoint = self.config.pagination.get( "count_endpoint", "" ).format(**dict(collection=collection, **auth_conf_dict)) if count_endpoint: _total_results = self.count_hits( count_endpoint, result_type=self.config.result_type ) if getattr(self.config, "merge_responses", False): total_results = _total_results or 0 else: total_results += _total_results or 0 if "next_page_query_obj" in self.config.pagination and isinstance( self.config.pagination["next_page_query_obj"], str ): # next_page_query_obj needs to be parsed next_page_query_obj = self.config.pagination[ "next_page_query_obj" ].format( items_per_page=items_per_page, page=page, skip=(page - 1) * items_per_page, skip_base_1=(page - 1) * items_per_page + 1, ) update_nested_dict( self.query_params, orjson.loads(next_page_query_obj) ) urls.append(search_endpoint) return urls, total_results def _request( self, url: str, info_message: Optional[str] = None, exception_message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Response: timeout = getattr(self.config, "timeout", HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) try: # auth if needed RequestsKwargs = TypedDict( "RequestsKwargs", {"auth": AuthBase}, total=False ) kwargs: RequestsKwargs = {} if ( getattr(self.config, "need_auth", False) and hasattr(self, "auth") and callable(self.auth) ): kwargs["auth"] = self.auth # perform the request using the next page arguments if they are defined if getattr(self, "next_page_query_obj", None): self.query_params = self.next_page_query_obj if info_message: logger.debug("Query parameters: %s" % self.query_params) response = url, json=self.query_params, headers=USER_AGENT, timeout=timeout, verify=ssl_verify, **kwargs, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=timeout) from exc except (requests.RequestException, URLError) as err: # check if error is identified as auth_error in provider conf auth_errors = getattr(self.config, "auth_error_code", [None]) if not isinstance(auth_errors, list): auth_errors = [auth_errors] if ( hasattr(err.response, "status_code") and err.response.status_code in auth_errors ): raise AuthenticationError( "HTTP Error {} returned:\n{}\nPlease check your credentials for {}".format( err.response.status_code, err.response.text.strip(), self.provider, ) ) if exception_message: logger.exception(exception_message) else: logger.exception( "Skipping error while requesting: %s (provider:%s, plugin:%s):", url, self.provider, self.__class__.__name__, ) if "response" in locals(): logger.debug(response.content) error_text = str(err) if getattr(err, "response", None) is not None: error_text = err.response.text raise RequestError(error_text) from err return response
[docs] class StacSearch(PostJsonSearch): """A specialisation of a QueryStringSearch that uses generic STAC configuration"""
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: # backup results_entry overwritten by init results_entry = config.results_entry super(StacSearch, self).__init__(provider, config) # restore results_entry overwritten by init self.config.results_entry = results_entry
def normalize_results( self, results: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[EOProduct]: """Build EOProducts from provider results""" products = super(StacSearch, self).normalize_results(results, **kwargs) # move assets from properties to product's attr for product in products: product.assets.update("assets", {})) return products def discover_queryables( self, **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Annotated[Any, FieldInfo]]]: """Fetch queryables list from provider using `discover_queryables` conf :param kwargs: additional filters for queryables (`productType` and other search arguments) :type kwargs: Any :returns: fetched queryable parameters dict :rtype: Optional[Dict[str, Annotated[Any, FieldInfo]]] """ product_type = kwargs.get("productType", None) provider_product_type = ( self.config.products.get(product_type, {}).get("productType", product_type) if product_type else None ) try: unparsed_fetch_url = ( self.config.discover_queryables["product_type_fetch_url"] if provider_product_type else self.config.discover_queryables["fetch_url"] ) fetch_url = unparsed_fetch_url.format( provider_product_type=provider_product_type, **self.config.__dict__ ) response = QueryStringSearch._request( self, fetch_url, info_message="Fetching queryables: {}".format(fetch_url), exception_message="Skipping error while fetching queryables for " "{} {} instance:".format(self.provider, self.__class__.__name__), ) except (RequestError, KeyError, AttributeError): return None else: json_queryables = dict() try: resp_as_json = response.json() # extract results from response json json_queryables = [ match.value for match in self.config.discover_queryables["results_entry"].find( resp_as_json ) ][0] except KeyError as e: logger.warning( "Incomplete %s discover_queryables configuration: %s", self.provider, e, ) except IndexError: "No queryable found for %s on %s", product_type, self.provider ) return None # convert json results to pydantic model fields field_definitions: Dict[str, Any] = dict() for json_param, json_mtd in json_queryables.items(): param = ( get_queryable_from_provider( json_param, self.config.metadata_mapping ) or json_param ) default = kwargs.get(param, None) annotated_def = json_field_definition_to_python( json_mtd, default_value=default ) field_definitions[param] = get_args(annotated_def) python_queryables = create_model("m", **field_definitions).model_fields return model_fields_to_annotated(python_queryables)