Source code for eodag.utils.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from typing import Optional, Set, Tuple

[docs] class EodagError(Exception): """General EODAG error"""
[docs] class ValidationError(EodagError): """Error validating data""" def __init__(self, message: str, parameters: Set[str] = set()) -> None: self.message = message self.parameters = parameters
[docs] class PluginNotFoundError(EodagError): """Error when looking for a plugin class that was not defined"""
[docs] class PluginImplementationError(EodagError): """Error when a plugin does not behave as expected"""
[docs] class MisconfiguredError(EodagError): """An error indicating a Search Plugin that is not well configured"""
[docs] class AddressNotFound(EodagError): """An error indicating the address of a subdataset was not found"""
[docs] class UnsupportedProvider(EodagError): """An error indicating that eodag does not support a provider"""
[docs] class UnsupportedProductType(EodagError): """An error indicating that eodag does not support a product type""" def __init__(self, product_type: str) -> None: self.product_type = product_type
[docs] class UnsupportedDatasetAddressScheme(EodagError): """An error indicating that eodag does not yet support an address scheme for accessing raster subdatasets"""
[docs] class AuthenticationError(EodagError): """An error indicating that an authentication plugin did not succeeded authenticating a user"""
[docs] class DownloadError(EodagError): """An error indicating something wrong with the download process"""
[docs] class NotAvailableError(EodagError): """An error indicating that the product is not available for download"""
[docs] class RequestError(EodagError): """An error indicating that a request has failed. Usually eodag functions and methods should catch and skip this""" history: Set[Tuple[str, Exception]] = set() parameters: Set[str] = set() def __str__(self): repr = super().__str__() for err_tuple in self.history: repr += f"- {str(err_tuple)}" return repr
[docs] class NoMatchingProductType(EodagError): """An error indicating that eodag was unable to derive a product type from a set of search parameters"""
[docs] class STACOpenerError(EodagError): """An error indicating that a STAC file could not be opened"""
[docs] class TimeOutError(RequestError): """An error indicating that a timeout has occurred""" def __init__( self, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: url = getattr(getattr(exception, "request", None), "url", None) timeout_msg = f"({timeout}s)" if timeout else "" message = ( f"Request timeout {timeout_msg} for URL {url}" if url else str(exception) ) super().__init__(message)