Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2023, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast

import requests

from eodag import EOProduct
from eodag.api.product.metadata_mapping import (
from import Search
from eodag.utils import (
from eodag.utils.exceptions import (

    from eodag.config import PluginConfig

logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs] class DataRequestSearch(Search): """ Plugin to execute search requests composed of several steps: - do a data request which defines which data shall be searched - check the status of the request job - if finished - fetch the result of the job """ data_request_id: Optional[str]
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(DataRequestSearch, self).__init__(provider, config) self.config.__dict__.setdefault("result_type", "json") self.config.__dict__.setdefault("results_entry", "content") self.config.__dict__.setdefault("pagination", {}) self.config.__dict__.setdefault("free_text_search_operations", {}) for product_type in self.config.products.keys(): if "metadata_mapping" in self.config.products[product_type].keys(): self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ] = mtd_cfg_as_conversion_and_querypath( self.config.products[product_type]["metadata_mapping"] ) # Complete and ready to use product type specific metadata-mapping product_type_metadata_mapping = deepcopy(self.config.metadata_mapping) # update config using provider product type definition metadata_mapping # from another product other_product_for_mapping = self.config.products[product_type].get( "metadata_mapping_from_product", "" ) if other_product_for_mapping: other_product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( other_product_for_mapping, # **kwargs ) product_type_metadata_mapping.update( other_product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}) ) # from current product product_type_metadata_mapping.update( self.config.products[product_type]["metadata_mapping"] ) self.config.products[product_type][ "metadata_mapping" ] = product_type_metadata_mapping if ( self.config.result_type == "json" and "next_page_url_key_path" in self.config.pagination ): self.config.pagination["next_page_url_key_path"] = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination.get("next_page_url_key_path", None) ) self.download_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.data_request_id = None
def discover_product_types(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Fetch product types is disabled for `DataRequestSearch` :returns: empty dict :rtype: (optional) dict """ return None def clear(self) -> None: """Clear search context""" super().clear() self.data_request_id = None def query( self, product_type: Optional[str] = None, items_per_page: int = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, page: int = DEFAULT_PAGE, count: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[EOProduct], Optional[int]]: """ performs the search for a provider where several steps are required to fetch the data """ if kwargs.get("sortBy"): raise ValidationError(f"{self.provider} does not support sorting feature") product_type = kwargs.get("productType", None) if product_type is None: raise ValidationError("Required productType is missing") # replace "product_type" to "providerProductType" in search args if exists # for compatibility with DataRequestSearch method if kwargs.get("product_type"): kwargs["providerProductType"] = kwargs.pop("product_type", None) provider_product_type = cast(str, self._map_product_type(product_type or "")) keywords = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != "auth" and v is not None} if provider_product_type and provider_product_type != GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE: keywords["productType"] = provider_product_type else: keywords["productType"] = product_type # provider product type specific conf self.product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( product_type, **kwargs ) # update config using provider product type definition metadata_mapping # from another product other_product_for_mapping = self.product_type_def_params.get( "metadata_mapping_from_product", "" ) if other_product_for_mapping: other_product_type_def_params = self.get_product_type_def_params( other_product_for_mapping, **kwargs ) self.config.metadata_mapping.update( other_product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}) ) # from current product self.config.metadata_mapping.update( self.product_type_def_params.get("metadata_mapping", {}) ) # if product_type_def_params is set, remove product_type as it may conflict with this conf if self.product_type_def_params: keywords.pop("productType", None) keywords.update( { k: v for k, v in self.product_type_def_params.items() if k not in keywords.keys() and k in self.config.metadata_mapping.keys() and isinstance(self.config.metadata_mapping[k], list) } ) # update dates if needed if getattr(self.config, "dates_required", True) and "id" not in keywords: if not keywords.get("startTimeFromAscendingNode", None): keywords["startTimeFromAscendingNode"] = getattr( self.config, "product_type_config", {} ).get("missionStartDate", DEFAULT_MISSION_START_DATE) if not keywords.get("completionTimeFromAscendingNode", None): keywords["completionTimeFromAscendingNode"] = getattr( self.config, "product_type_config", {} ).get("missionEndDate", # ask for data_request_id if not set (it must exist when iterating over pages) if not self.data_request_id: data_request_id = self._create_data_request( provider_product_type, product_type, **keywords ) self.data_request_id = data_request_id request_finished = False else: data_request_id = self.data_request_id request_finished = True # loop to check search job status search_timeout = int(getattr(self.config, "timeout", HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT)) f"checking status of request job {data_request_id} (timeout={search_timeout}s)" ) check_beginning = while not request_finished: request_finished = self._check_request_status(data_request_id) if not request_finished and >= check_beginning + timedelta( seconds=search_timeout ): self._cancel_request(data_request_id) raise NotAvailableError( f"Timeout reached when checking search job status for {self.provider}" ) elif not request_finished: time.sleep(1)"search job for product_type %s finished", provider_product_type) result = self._get_result_data( data_request_id, kwargs.get("items_per_page", DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE), kwargs.get("page", DEFAULT_PAGE), ) # if exists, add the geometry from search args in the content of the response for each product if keywords.get("geometry"): for product_content in result["content"]: if product_content["extraInformation"] is None: product_content["extraInformation"] = { "footprint": keywords["geometry"] } elif not product_content["extraInformation"].get("footprint"): product_content["extraInformation"]["footprint"] = keywords[ "geometry" ]"result retrieved from search job") if self._check_uses_custom_filters(product_type): result = self._apply_additional_filters( result, self.config.products[product_type]["custom_filters"] ) return self._convert_result_data( result, data_request_id, product_type or "", **kwargs ) def _create_data_request( self, product_type: str, eodag_product_type: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> str: headers = getattr(self.auth, "headers", USER_AGENT) ssl_verify = getattr(self.config.ssl_verify, "ssl_verify", True) try: url = self.config.data_request_url request_body = format_query_params( eodag_product_type, self.config, **kwargs ) logger.debug( f"Sending search job request to {url} with {str(request_body)}" ) request_job = url, json=request_body, headers=headers, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify, ) request_job.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except requests.RequestException as e: raise RequestError( f"search job for product_type {product_type} could not be created: {str(e)}, {request_job.text}" ) else:"search job for product_type %s created", product_type) return request_job.json()["jobId"] def _cancel_request(self, data_request_id: str) -> None:"deleting request job %s", data_request_id) delete_url = f"{self.config.data_request_url}/{data_request_id}" headers = getattr(self.auth, "headers", USER_AGENT) try: delete_resp = requests.delete( delete_url, headers=headers, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT ) delete_resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except requests.RequestException as e: raise RequestError(f"_cancel_request failed: {str(e)}") def _check_request_status(self, data_request_id: str) -> bool: logger.debug("checking status of request job %s", data_request_id) status_url = self.config.status_url + data_request_id headers = getattr(self.auth, "headers", USER_AGENT) ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) try: status_resp = requests.get( status_url, headers=headers, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify, ) status_resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except requests.RequestException as e: raise RequestError(f"_check_request_status failed: {str(e)}") else: status_data = status_resp.json() if "status_code" in status_data and status_data["status_code"] in [ 403, 404, ]: logger.error(f"_check_request_status failed: {status_data}") raise RequestError("authentication token expired during request") if status_data["status"] == "failed": logger.error(f"_check_request_status failed: {status_data}") raise RequestError( f"data request job has failed, message: {status_data['message']}" ) return status_data["status"] == "completed" def _get_result_data( self, data_request_id: str, items_per_page: int, page: int ) -> Dict[str, Any]: page = page - 1 + self.config.pagination.get("start_page", 1) url = self.config.result_url.format( jobId=data_request_id, items_per_page=items_per_page, page=page ) ssl_verify = getattr(self.config, "ssl_verify", True) headers = getattr(self.auth, "headers", USER_AGENT) try: return requests.get( url, headers=headers, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, verify=ssl_verify ).json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as exc: raise TimeOutError(exc, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT) from exc except requests.RequestException: logger.error(f"Result could not be retrieved for {url}") return {} def _convert_result_data( self, result_data: Dict[str, Any], data_request_id: str, product_type: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[List[EOProduct], int]: """Build EOProducts from provider results""" results_entry = self.config.results_entry results = result_data[results_entry] logger.debug( "Adapting %s plugin results to eodag product representation" % len(results) ) products: List[EOProduct] = [] for result in results: product = EOProduct( self.provider, properties_from_json( result, self.get_metadata_mapping(kwargs.get("productType")), discovery_config=getattr(self.config, "discover_metadata", {}), ), **kwargs, ) # use product_type_config as default properties = dict( getattr(self.config, "product_type_config", {}), ** ) products.append(product) # postprocess filtering needed when provider does not natively offer filtering by id if "id" in kwargs: products = [ p for p in products if["id"] == kwargs["id"] ] or products total_items_nb_key_path = string_to_jsonpath( self.config.pagination["total_items_nb_key_path"] ) if len(total_items_nb_key_path.find(results)) > 0: total_items_nb = total_items_nb_key_path.find(results)[0].value else: total_items_nb = 0 for p in products: # add the request id to the order link property (required to create data order)["orderLink"] =["orderLink"].replace( "requestJobId", str(data_request_id) ) if self.config.products[product_type].get("storeDownloadUrl", False): # store download information to retrieve it later in case search by id # is not possible self.download_info[["id"]] = { "requestJobId": data_request_id, "orderLink":["orderLink"], "downloadLink":["downloadLink"], "provider": self.provider, } return products, total_items_nb def _check_uses_custom_filters(self, product_type: str) -> bool: if ( product_type in self.config.products and "custom_filters" in self.config.products[product_type] ): return True return False def _apply_additional_filters( self, result: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: filtered_result = [] results_entry = self.config.results_entry results = result[results_entry] path = string_to_jsonpath(custom_filters["filter_attribute"]) indexes = custom_filters["indexes"].split("-") for record in results: filter_param = path.find(record)[0].value filter_value = filter_param[int(indexes[0]) : int(indexes[1])] filter_clause = "'" + filter_value + "' " + custom_filters["filter_clause"] if eval(filter_clause): filtered_result.append(record) result[results_entry] = filtered_result return result def _map_product_type(self, product_type: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Map the eodag product type to the provider product type""" if product_type is None: return None logger.debug("Mapping eodag product type to provider product type") return self.config.products.get(product_type, {}).get( "productType", GENERIC_PRODUCT_TYPE )