Source code for eodag.plugins.authentication.keycloak

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, TypedDict

import requests

from eodag.plugins.authentication import Authentication
from eodag.plugins.authentication.openid_connect import CodeAuthorizedAuth
from eodag.utils import HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, USER_AGENT
from eodag.utils.exceptions import AuthenticationError, MisconfiguredError

    from requests.auth import AuthBase

    from eodag.config import PluginConfig

logger = logging.getLogger("eodag.auth.keycloak")

[docs] class KeycloakOIDCPasswordAuth(Authentication): """Authentication plugin using Keycloak and OpenId Connect. This plugin request a token and use it through a query-string or a header. Using :class:`` a download link `` will become `` if associated to the following configuration:: provider: ... auth: plugin: KeycloakOIDCPasswordAuth auth_base_uri: 'https://somewhere/auth' realm: 'the-realm' client_id: 'SOME_ID' client_secret: '01234-56789' token_provision: qs token_qs_key: 'my-token' ... ... If configured to send the token through the header, the download request header will be updated with `Authorization: "Bearer obtained-token"` if associated to the following configuration:: provider: ... auth: plugin: KeycloakOIDCPasswordAuth auth_base_uri: 'https://somewhere/auth' realm: 'the-realm' client_id: 'SOME_ID' client_secret: '01234-56789' token_provision: header ... ... """ GRANT_TYPE = "password" TOKEN_URL_TEMPLATE = "{auth_base_uri}/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token" REQUIRED_PARAMS = ["auth_base_uri", "client_id", "client_secret", "token_provision"] # already retrieved token store, to be used if authenticate() fails (OTP use-case) retrieved_token: str = "" class TokenInfo(TypedDict, total=False): """Token infos""" refresh_token: str refresh_time: datetime token_time: datetime access_token_expiration: float refresh_token_expiration: float token_info: TokenInfo = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(KeycloakOIDCPasswordAuth, self).__init__(provider, config) self.session = requests.Session()
def validate_config_credentials(self) -> None: """Validate configured credentials""" super(KeycloakOIDCPasswordAuth, self).validate_config_credentials() for param in self.REQUIRED_PARAMS: if not hasattr(self.config, param): raise MisconfiguredError( "The following authentication configuration is missing for provider ", f"{self.provider}: {param}", ) def authenticate(self) -> AuthBase: """ Makes authentication request """ self.validate_config_credentials() access_token = self._get_access_token() self.retrieved_token = access_token return CodeAuthorizedAuth( self.retrieved_token, self.config.token_provision, key=getattr(self.config, "token_qs_key", None), ) def _get_access_token(self) -> str: current_time = if ( not self.token_info or ( "refresh_token" in self.token_info and (current_time - self.token_info["token_time"]).seconds >= self.token_info["refresh_token_expiration"] ) or ( "refresh_token" not in self.token_info and (current_time - self.token_info["token_time"]).seconds >= self.token_info["access_token_expiration"] ) ): # Request new TOKEN on first attempt or if token expired res = self._request_new_token() self.token_info["token_time"] = current_time self.token_info["access_token_expiration"] = res["expires_in"] if "refresh_token" in res: self.token_info["refresh_time"] = current_time self.token_info["refresh_token_expiration"] = res["refresh_expires_in"] self.token_info["refresh_token"] = res["refresh_token"] return res["access_token"] elif ( "refresh_token" in self.token_info and (current_time - self.token_info["refresh_time"]).seconds >= self.token_info["access_token_expiration"] ): # Use refresh token res = self._get_token_with_refresh_token() self.token_info["refresh_token"] = res["refresh_token"] self.token_info["refresh_time"] = current_time return res["access_token"] logger.debug("using already retrieved access token") return self.retrieved_token def _request_new_token(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: logger.debug("fetching new access token") req_data = { "client_id": self.config.client_id, "client_secret": self.config.client_secret, "grant_type": self.GRANT_TYPE, } credentials = {k: v for k, v in self.config.credentials.items()} try: response = self.TOKEN_URL_TEMPLATE.format( auth_base_uri=self.config.auth_base_uri.rstrip("/"), realm=self.config.realm, ), data=dict(req_data, **credentials), headers=USER_AGENT, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as e: if self.retrieved_token: # try using already retrieved token if authenticate() fails (OTP use-case) if "access_token_expiration" in self.token_info: return { "access_token": self.retrieved_token, "expires_in": self.token_info["access_token_expiration"], } else: return {"access_token": self.retrieved_token, "expires_in": 0} response_text = getattr(e.response, "text", "").strip() # check if error is identified as auth_error in provider conf auth_errors = getattr(self.config, "auth_error_code", [None]) if not isinstance(auth_errors, list): auth_errors = [auth_errors] if ( e.response and hasattr(e.response, "status_code") and e.response.status_code in auth_errors ): raise AuthenticationError( "HTTP Error %s returned, %s\nPlease check your credentials for %s" % (e.response.status_code, response_text, self.provider) ) # other error else: import traceback as tb logger.error( f"Provider {self.provider} returned {getattr(e.response, 'status_code', '')}: {response_text}" ) raise AuthenticationError( "Something went wrong while trying to get access token:\n{}".format( tb.format_exc() ) ) return response.json() def _get_token_with_refresh_token(self) -> Dict[str, str]: logger.debug("fetching access token with refresh token") req_data = { "client_id": self.config.client_id, "client_secret": self.config.client_secret, "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": self.token_info["refresh_token"], } try: response = self.TOKEN_URL_TEMPLATE.format( auth_base_uri=self.config.auth_base_uri.rstrip("/"), realm=self.config.realm, ), data=req_data, headers=USER_AGENT, timeout=HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as e: logger.error( "could not fetch access token with refresh token, executing new token request, error: %s", getattr(e.response, "text", ""), ) return self._request_new_token() return response.json()