.. _stac_rest: STAC REST API ============= .. image:: _static/eodag_stac_server.png :width: 800 :alt: EODAG as STAC server :class: no-scaled-link EODAG has a STAC compliant REST API. It can serve configured providers data through this STAC API. To run the server, do: .. code-block:: console eodag serve-rest Below is the content of the help message of this command (`eodag serve-rest --help`): .. code-block:: console Usage: eodag serve-rest [OPTIONS] Start eodag HTTP server Set EODAG_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment variable to configure Cross- Origin Resource Sharing allowed origins as comma-separated URLs (e.g. 'http://somewhere,htttp://somewhere.else'). Options: -f, --config PATH File path to the user configuration file with its credentials, default is ~/.config/eodag/eodag.yml -l, --locs PATH File path to the location shapefiles configuration file -d, --daemon run in daemon mode -w, --world run uvicorn using IPv4 (all network interfaces), otherwise bind to (localhost). -p, --port INTEGER The port on which to listen [default: 5000] --debug Run in debug mode (for development purpose) --help Show this message and exit. Searching --------- After you have launched the server, navigate to its home page. For example, for a local development server launched with ``eodag serve-rest -f --debug``, go to You will see a documentation of the interface. Available operations are: * List product types as collections:: # All supported product types # only supported product types * Search product:: The supported request parameters are (from STAC API): * ``collections``: the product type * ``bbox``: the search bounding box defined by: `min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat`. * ``datetime``: RFC 3339 format datetime. Single, or as interval `start/stop`. * ``limit``: items returned per page EODAG additional query parameters: * ``provider``: preferred provider * ``customParameter``: any custom querry parameter supported by the provider Example URL: *,43,1,44&datetime=2018-01-20/2018-01-25&cloudCover=20 Browsing -------- EODAG provides additional catalogs that extend browsing/filtering capabilities: * ``country`` -> filters items on a specific area defined by selected country * ``year`` * ``month`` * ``day`` -> filters items using specified time interval * ``cloud_cover`` -> filters items with specified maximum cloud cover Example URLs: * : lists available countries * : catalog referencing S2_MSI_L1C products over France, aquired during October 2019, and having 10% maximum cloud cover Browsing over catalogs can be experienced connecting EODAG STAC API to `STAC-Browser `_. Simply run: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/CS-SI/eodag.git cd eodag docker-compose up # or for a more verbose logging: EODAG_LOGGING=3 docker-compose up (``EODAG_LOGGING`` environment variable definition will increase ``eodag`` logging level, and accepts values: 1, 2, or 3 for maximum level) And browse .. image:: _static/stac_browser_example.png :width: 800 :alt: STAC browser example docker ------ In addition of the *docker-compose* configuration included in sources and described just above, ``eodag-server`` is available on `https://hub.docker.com/r/csspace/eodag-server `_: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -p 5000:5000 --rm csspace/eodag-server:2.12.1 Example ------- .. code-block:: bash # list available product types for ``peps`` provider: $ curl "" | jq ".collections[].id" "S1_SAR_GRD" "S1_SAR_OCN" "S1_SAR_SLC" "S2_MSI_L1C" "S2_MSI_L2A" "S3_EFR" "S3_ERR" "S3_LAN" "S3_OLCI_L2LFR" "S3_OLCI_L2LRR" "S3_SLSTR_L1RBT" "S3_SLSTR_L2LST" # search for items $ curl ",43,1,44&datetime=2018-01-20/2018-01-25" \ | jq ".numberMatched" 6 # browse for items $ curl "" \ | jq ".numberMatched" 9 # get download link $ curl "" \ | jq ".features[0].assets.downloadLink.href" "" # download $ wget ""