.. _register: Provider registration ===================== The providers usually require their user to register to their service. As a result, the users obtain a set of credentials (e.g. login/password, API key, etc.). These credentials need to be provided to ``eodag`` (see :ref:`configure`). The list below explains how to register to each provider supported by ``eodag``: * ``usgs``: create an account `here `__ and then `request an access `_ to the `Machine-to-Machine (M2M) API `_. Product requests can be performed once access to the M2M API has been granted to you. * ``theia``: create an account `here `__ * ``peps``: create an account `here `__, then use your email as `username` in eodag credentials. * ``creodias``: create an account `here `__, then use your `username`, `password` in eodag credentials. You will also need `totp` in credentials, a temporary 6-digits OTP (One Time Password, see `Creodias documentation `__) to be able to authenticate and download. Check `Authenticate using an OTP `__ to see how to proceed. * ``creodias_s3``: Create an account on `creodias `__, then go to `keymanager `__ and click `Add credential` to generate the s3 access key and secret key. Add those credentials to the user configuration file (variables `aws_access_key_id` and `aws_secret_access_key`). * ``onda``: create an account `here: `__ * ``ecmwf``: create an account `here `__. Then use *email* as *username* and *key* as *password* from `here `__ in eodag credentials. EODAG can be used to request for public datasets as for operational archive. Please note that for public datasets you might need to accept a license (e.g. for `TIGGE `__) * ``cop_ads``: create an account `here `__. Then go to your profile and use from the section named "API key" the *UID* as *username* and *API Key* as *password* in eodag credentials. EODAG can be used to request for public datasets, you can browse them `here `__. * ``cop_cds``: create an account `here `__. Then go to your profile and use from the section named "API key" use *UID* as *username* and *API Key* as *password* in eodag credentials. EODAG can be used to request for public datasets, you can browse them `here `__. * ``sara``: create an account `here `__, then use your email as `username` in eodag credentials. * ``meteoblue``: eodag uses `dataset API `_ which requires the access level `Access Gold `_. Contact `support@meteoblue.com `_ to apply for a free API key trial. * ``cop_dataspace``: create an account `here `__ * ``planetary_computer``: most datasets are anonymously accessible, but a subscription key may be needed to increase `rate limits and access private datasets `_. Create an account `here `__, then view your keys by signing in with your Microsoft account `here `__. * ``hydroweb_next``: Go to `https://hydroweb.next.theia-land.fr `_, then login or create an account by clicking on ``Log in`` in the top-right corner. Once logged-in, create an API key in the user settings page, and used it as *apikey* in EODAG provider auth credentials. * ``aws_eos``: you need credentials for both EOS (search) and AWS (download): * Create an account on `EOS `__ * Get your EOS api key from `here `__ * Create an account on `AWS `__ * Once the account is activated go to the `identity access management console `__ * Click on user, then on your user name and then on security credentials. * In access keys, click on create access key. * Add these credentials to the user configuration file. .. note:: EOS free account is limited to 100 requests. * ``astraea_eod``, ``earth_search``, ``usgs_satapi_aws``: you need AWS credentials for download: * Create an account on `AWS `__ * Once the account is activated go to the `identity access management console `__ * Click on user, then on your user name and then on security credentials. * In access keys, click on create access key. * Add these credentials to the user configuration file. .. warning:: A credit card number must be provided when creating an AWS account because fees apply after a given amount of downloaded data. * ``earth_search_gcs``: you need HMAC keys for Google Cloud Storage: * Sign in using a `google account `__. * Get or create `HMAC keys `__ for your user account on a project for interoperability API access from this `page `__ (create a default project if none exists). * Add these credentials to the user configuration file. * ``earth_search_cog``: no authentication needed. * ``wekeo``: you need an access token to authenticate and to accept terms and conditions with it: * Create an account on `WEkEO `__ * Add your WEkEO credentials (*username*, *password*) to the user configuration file. * You will then need to accept Copernicus terms and conditions (for once). To do this, follow the `tutorial guidelines `__ or run the following commands in your terminal. * First, get a token from your base64-encoded credentials (replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your credentials): .. code-block:: bash curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo USERNAME:PASSWORD | base64)" "https://wekeo-broker.prod.wekeo2.eu/databroker/gettoken" The WEkEO API will respond with a token: .. code-block:: bash { "access_token": "xxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-xxxx-yyyyyyyyyyyy" } * Accept terms and conditions by running this command and replacing : .. code-block:: bash curl --request PUT --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: ' --data 'accepted=true' https://wekeo-broker.prod.wekeo2.eu/databroker/termsaccepted/Copernicus_General_License